Out Of Here

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I must be going crazy

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I must be going crazy.

I'm at a club, on a rooftop with the drinks flowing, wearing a a dress I feel beautiful in, surrounded by people I like yet not enjoying myself.

Daniel isn't here and I can't stop wandering where he might be.

If he's alright.

He's quite a competitor and had categorically his worst race of the year today.

He didn't even finish the race, and the way he thrashed his helmet onto the ground after he got out of the car said everything.

I want to talk to him.

Have since Italy.

Since before then.

But I don't even know where to start. 'Hi, remember when I threw a drink in your face' just doesn't feel right.


Everyone around me looks so happy. Pierre's with a pretty little blonde thing, and to be honest I am relieved.

Probably not a good thing.

Carmen erupts with laughter behind me, and I turn to see her and George swaying together.

They are blissfully happy.

It's disgusting.


I'm getting out of here.

Tonight feels like an evening for smoking and walking alone.

I need to think.

Irish goodbye it is, I get out to the front door as quick as I can.

"Leaving early?" Max asks, catching me just as I hit the sidewalk.

His linen shirt is unbuttoned, hat on while he looks away from his glowing phone screen at me.

"Yes, not in the mood." I answer with a shrug. "Are you waiting on a car?"

A car could be nice.

But the fresh air is tempting.

There's something so nice about wandering around a new city in your thoughts. Feels like getting lost.

"No. You walking?" He is ever discerning.

I nod as I pull up the directions, half a mind as to where this is going.

"I'll join you. You ever been to Spain before?" We fall into easy step. Max isn't the kind of man to let a woman wander the streets alone.

Much as I'm sure I would be quite fine. "First time, you care if I smoke?"

I don't need to ask if it's his first time.

Of course it's not.

"Nah." Hands in his pockets, we turn the corner together.

I don't have to bother asking him if he wants to partake either, I know that answer as well.

I wonder if he talked to Daniel after the race?

He probably did.

I'm sure he's fine.

Just really odd to not see him out tonight.

I hate that I notice it.

We walk for a long time before I speak again, testing the waters "Max, can I ask you something philosophical?"

"Sure." He shrugs, watching the streets around us.

"Do you think people are only meant to love one person?" Asking the thought that's been playing on my mind for well over a month now.

Max doesn't rush to answer me, clearly thinking before he speaks. Far wiser than his years, "I do believe in soulmates. But I don't think just because someone is your soulmate means it will work out."


People are so fragile. I can see that.

"How terrible it would be to met your soulmate and it not work out..." I ponder aloud.

My stomach swirls just saying the words.

Have I met mine?

"Even worse, to never met them." Max is no optimist that's for sure.

His words feel weighty.

"Horrible." He gives me an agreeing look as we continue on.

"Do you think you've met yours Max?" I give it a go since our chats been going so well so far.

I'm probably prying.

But I can't help my curiosity.

"Hell, I hope not." We chuckle together.

"Me too." I agree with a smile, not thinking on the words.

But he clearly does, studying me "Really?"


What's that supposed to mean?

"It's categorically not Pierre." I giggle, breaking the ice.

Of this much I think I know for sure.

Max doesn't push the issue, and neither do I. Instead we fall into easy car chat after a subject change and make it to our hotel quite early.

But I find myself thinking about his question all evening long.

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