I Know, He Knows

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There's an actual skip in my step today

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There's an actual skip in my step today. I could say it's the middle of the week halloween party but truth be told it's a lot of things.

Something about being back under the English clouds.

Something about spending everyday with Daniel.

Something about having a job I absolutely love.

As we walk through the garages, I'm acutely aware that I'm just happy, plain and simple. 

The paddock is teaming with brit's and Amelia's father is in town, meaning we're spending a lot more time socializing than normal. Socializing that pays off when we bump into Daniel and Christian.

"Fancy seeing you here." Daniel jokes and bends down to hug me before moving to Amelia. He's already in his race suit and he looks good as hell.

Distractingly so.

He notes the twinkle in my eye he knows all too well with a little smirk that only makes it worse.

"Never would have guess it!" Amelia pokes back at him. It's all laughs around these two.

I give Christian kisses the polite way, as Daniel says "Have you met Elsa, Christian?"

He smiles widely at me because of course we know each other. By some weird take of fate I haven't talked to Christian all season. Haven't even seen him since...

Wait, I haven't seen Christian since I sourced that vintage rover for him last year. The last job I finished before I lost the baby, when I was still four months.

In all registers in a split second.

No, no, no. I can't do this.

But there's nothing I can do.

If I sprint from this conversation it'll only get worse.

Smile pasted on instead of the panic I feel swirling inside I force myself to say put.

Please, please let this go well I beg if anyone's listening.

"Of course, she got me the best vintage car last year." His grin meets his eyes. It was a special car that one, a beautiful white mercedes.

"I hope Geraldine still loves it." My voice sounds shakier than normal and I feel Daniels eyes on me, confused.

More confused when I can't met his eye.

Please, please don't mention the pregnancy.

I'd give my kidney to avoid this. For a different chance to tell him.

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