Maybe Someday

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The next month passes before I know it

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The next month passes before I know it. Long haul flights and mounds of work taking their tole on me. The upside of it keeps my mind busy, but it still finds time to wander to that certain Australian.

We keep our distance, not speaking a word to each other. Making it through Belgium, Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan without a single conversation. In groups we take care to avoid each other.

But I don't miss his eyes on me when Pierre so much as touches me.

And I can't look away when I see him leave early with someone new.

My stomach swirls every time, much as I will it not too.

Amelia and Charles assured me that nobody would hold what happened against me, and nobody has. If anything it's been the opposite, making friends with Max in the process.

When Amelia told me he had a soft heart I nearly laughed out loud, but now that I know him she was dead on the head with that one. He is probably the kindest guy on track. Or maybe George. It's a toss up really.

Pierre is lovely and kind and always on it will the one liners. He always acknowledges my presence and hasn't said a harsh word towards me. I'm fairly sure it's casual for both of us but I'm getting used to the regular sex on the road. I haven't had such regular sex since... well.

I'm fairly sure Emilia Romagna will pass the same way as every other week. Except tonight for once after race day we aren't at a club to let loose, but at Charles and Amelia's place. They live in between the track and the Ferrari and have a private estate they are so excited to show off.

It's quite adorable seeing how happy they are here. How they smile so brightly as they give the tours, how they bounce off of one another. And their home together is beautiful. They seem so happy here.

If I'm honest, I'm jealous.

It must be so special to have something that good. Have someone to count on.

Maybe someday.

But not today. Pierre has yet to arrive, so I sneak away for a smoke by the pool house. Instant regret slapping me in the face as I come face to face with the one person I've been trying to avoid.

Daniels talking on the phone, and eyes me up and down before I have to sneak away. I swear he undresses me with his eyes, but surely not.

Not after our last encounter.

Something about how he's looking at me tempts me to stay, so I do. Lighting up instead of fleeing. It's nice to be in his presence. He looks good too. Wearing all black and short sleeves that let his tattoos poke out.

Tattoos I find so sexy. Pierre doesn't have a single one, much to my displeasure.

The weed takes the edge off and I find my nerves from Daniels proximity wearing off with each inhale.

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