Another Story Entirely

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I board the plane to Canada sporting a fresh hickey and some questions for our Ferrari driver on board

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I board the plane to Canada sporting a fresh hickey and some questions for our Ferrari driver on board. 

"Charles," I ask as we take off, "Do you have something you want to mention to me?" 

Amelia looks confused.

Charles looks like a kid caught with their hand in the pudding.

"Sorry," He gives me a small shrug "He's my mate. It's only fair he knew."

Amelia, our odd man out turns to him with a sharp look "Care to elaborate?"

"Charles told Pierre that Daniel and I were together." I answer for him, smirking because she's going to be harder on him than I ever would.

I'm just so glad to know she hasn't even told him my secret.

A rare breed of friend.

For Charles to have told Pierre about that would be.. another story entirely.

"They weren't! He doesn't even have her number." She exclaims, surprising him.


But every bit of it is true.

Charles looks at me for confirmation and I nod. We were never exclusive. I wasn't sleeping with anyone else, but hindsight is 20/20 and Daniel clearly was.

"Shit..." He draws it out, earning a slap on the bicep from Amelia. 

"It's fine, we talked it out." I give in because he hasn't actually done a thing wrong. But one would have appreciated a heads up at least. Or telling Pierre the right facts. 

"You did seem very close on break." Charles back pedals for excuse.

"Sorry." Amelia tosses me an apology and him a glare.

"Don't sweat it." I promise, smiling at them both. "She's more annoyed at you than I am."

Charles cracks a crooked grin, "Would you like some match dear?" Asking his other half in his sweetest voice.

"You're lucky I love you." She crumbles to him, leaning in for a kiss.

I can't see an argument ever breaking those too.

I swear they are meant to be.

Must be nice.

One look at the date on the way back from qualifications in Canada makes me stop in my tracks.

It's the anniversary of my mama's passing. Until last year, the hardest day of my life. A date on the calendar that no matter the year behind it sends me into a spiral.

There's something about being completely alone in the world that makes me feel so... small.


With all the traveling it's been so hard to keep track of what continent I'm on, much less the day of the week. Or the date. But the reminder feels like a sharp stab to the gut. 

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