Elephant In The Room

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"Call me if you need anything?" Amelia gives me one last long hug at the door

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"Call me if you need anything?" Amelia gives me one last long hug at the door. Angel that she is, brought me back to the hotel and took me for massages, and most importantly shared her and Charles own story of loss that almost divided them forever.

Until it didn't.

She's a true gem of a friend.

Most of all I'm shocked she skipped the race for me, she's never done that before. Granted as she did Charles is worried to shit, thus her leaving. She's off to met him and explain the reason... I trust her to tell him.

Frankly I trust them both with my life at this point. And now that Daniel knows, what's the harm?

I so appreciate her being there.

But now it's time to face my own demons.

I'm in no hurry to do so, so I give Daniel time.

But he doesn't reach out.

The sun sets, and still nothing.


The silence speaks volumes.

It's near eleven when my phone rings again, but it's not Daniel.

It's Amelia.


"Hey, you alright?"

"As I can be."

"Good. Daniel just left here." Daniel was at the club instead of talking to me? Didn't see that coming. Maybe I should text him after all... "He's in his cups E. Charles talked to him and he fucking exploded."

Well this day is going from worse to worser, if that's even a word.

"Where is he going?" I should go to him then.

"I don't know -" Amelia answers as my phone buzzes again.

Daniel, finally.

"I gotta go, he's calling. Sending love." I hang up before she can say a word in edgewise. He's the one I'm dying to talk to.

"Daniel?" My voice is small.

"Where are you?" He gets right to the point, a slight slur giving away that he is in fact deep into his cups.

That certainly isn't going to make this any easier.

"My hotel."

"See you soon." He says, hanging up immediately after.

And if my stomach wasn't already swirling with nerves it sure is now. I can't just sit here and await his arrival or I'm going to lose it.

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