Beggars Can't Be Choosers

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Halloween comes up in the middle of race week, but that doesn't stop us from having one hell of a party

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Halloween comes up in the middle of race week, but that doesn't stop us from having one hell of a party. The boys are being healthy but we don't need alcohol for a good night that's for sure.

Daniel is nonstop dancing, dressed us as cowboy that suits him. Something about dancing in a little cowboy hat makes him feel particularly giddy.

I'm living for it.

I came as three one in a group with number 2 Carmen and number three Amelia, although Daniel insists I should have done with number three - Beggars can't be choosers.

Regardless the red leather leaves little to the imagination, and Daniel can't keep his hands off me.

I love it, but it's making me crazy. He's stroking my inner thigh under the table while we chat with our friends and it is physically all I can do to remain calm and not squirm for more.

All I want to do it jump his bones.

But that's hardly appropriate.

Daniel tosses me a teasing grin, knowing exactly what he's winding up here. I suck in a breath. He levels me with a hot, needy look that has me desperately squeezing my legs together. Fine then, if he's going to keep this up I'll give him some of his own medicine.

At a painstakingly slow pace I shift my hand further and further up his thigh in circular motions.

He stiffens beside me and I know I've got him. Allowing my pinky to graze his dick - He's already hard.

His touch sends a bolt of heat through my body, and my breath catches in my throat when I notice that his eyes have softened. Actually, no. They may have lost their hard edges, but they're certainly not soft. They're heavy-lidded now, gleaming with unexpected heat.

Then he blinks, and the fire is replaced by exasperation.


Just knowing now I'm even more wound up. He glances at me with a mischievous twinkle and leans a little closer. "Takes two to tango baby." He whispers in my ear, and I'm done for.

I can't sit here like this a minute longer.

This simply won't do.

Neither of us can be doing a good job hiding this anyways.

"Want to grab a drink with me?" I ask a little too loudly as the lightbulb illuminates above me.

I don't even wait for an answer before I start tugging him up, pulling him behind me towards the bathroom. It's a single and with any luck it's free. Your girl is desperate right now.

Then he blinks, and the fire is replaced by exasperationDaniel in tow, I look back at him dangerously when the door clicks open asking with my eyes if he's in. He doesn't have to say a word for me to know that's a solid yes on his face.

Thank the lucky stars above.

He pulls me into his arms so quickly we don't even bother with the light switch. It's the last thing on our mind.

I didn't expect him to start off so tender, but Daniel is always surprising me. His thumb sweeps over my cheek as his mouth moves ever so slowly over mine. He's got the softest lips I've ever felt, and he uses them with confidence. 

Like a man who knows just what I want, because he does. 

I shiver when he increases the pressure, sealing his lips tight to mine. And then the tip of his tongue slicks over my bottom lip, and I jolt as if I stuck my finger in a live socket.

The moment our tongues touch, I'm gone. A low hum of desire buzzes between my legs, crackling up to my breasts and hardening my nipples. I completely surrender to his kiss. I let his tongue sweep into my mouth. I let his fingers dig possessively into my waist, his warm breath to heat my mouth, his sexy scent to infuse my senses.

I can't stop myself, curling my hand to tug on his shirt around the nape of his neck. The baby-fine hairs there tickle my palm. His left pec quivers beneath my palm, and I can feel his heartbeat. It's hammering as fast as mine.

When I feel him start to pull away, a frantic, helpless sensation surges through me. I tighten my grip on his neck and kiss him harder. My tongue tangles with his, and I swallow the husky sound he makes.He's kisses me with longing, taste of whiskey still on his tongue. It's hungry and passionate and the only thing in the world I care about in this moment.

I'm craving him, and his mouth isn't enough.

Daniel knows what I want, pressing me against the wall so I can feel his erection against me. Planting sloppy, wet kisses on me the whole time. We finally stumble into the light switch and it only makes it hotter.

We're both breathing hard. I feel beads of sweat form at the nape of my neck and between my breasts. I'm so turned on my legs are fucking shaking.

He does something to me.

"Naughty girl, do you want me to take you here?" He's long past teasing now, and I can't nod my head fast enough.

And take me he does.

Until we're both satisfied and weak in the knees.

Still catching our breath when there's a knock at the door.

Oh shit.

I totally forgot we were in public. At a club. In a bathroom. Surrounded by our friends. I stifle a giggle and cover my mouth. "Just a minute." Daniel clears his throat, working hard to not fall into laughter with me. 

Well, there goes our cover.

The second we walk out of here whoever is on the other side of that door is bound to know. "Here goes nothing." I grin at my brown eyed boy and push the door handle. Only to quickly discover the next in line to be Max Verstappen.

He starts to move towards the door, and pauses when he notices it's two of us rather than one. Understanding crosses his face and red rises to mine.

"Oh." Max says and Daniel shrugs, pulling me forward.

Laughter bubbles from me at the awkward moment but there's no take backs now.

What's done is done.

Daniel brings out the craziest side to me. I've never done anything like that in my life, but with him I couldn't help myself.

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