Don't Pinch Me

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His hotel is only one street over, so we walk

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His hotel is only one street over, so we walk. His arm around me and the wafting monaco breeze on our faces.

"Fuck, the weather is so much better here." I sigh contentedly. Sun near every day, nothing like England.

"It's much better than English clouds." Pierre replies, clearly picking up on my accent. "Do you live here now?"

I live nowhere.

And I love it.

"Nope, I'm a drifter." I giggle at the words. It makes me unbelievably happy to only be tied to a storage unit and suit case.

Nothing quite so freeing.

"You don't look like a drifter to me." He laughs with me, pushing for more.

"I'll just be traveling this year instead. Sold everything... my home, my business, the lot of it. I'm free as a bird." The words bring a smile to my face and I find myself looking to him for a reaction.

"You're a lucky woman." His sigh signals his own ties. Not many people have what I do.

Change of subject to the matter at hand "You're about to be a very lucky man."

And he is. We're entering the hotel now, going straight up.

"You're quite bold. I like it." The word like sounding so funny in his accent.

When the door to my room clicks open, I decide to take his words as compliment. "You've not seen anything yet." I promise as a smile moves across his face.

But he's definitely about to.

The second the door clicks closed behind us, Pierre pushed me against the wall. Kissing me hard. He's everywhere, and I fucking love it when a man wants to be in charge. He's kissing my neck, my shoulder everything. I reach for him and find him rock hard, teasing him with my hands while he turns me on.

Yes, oh yes.

We don't last long. Moving to the bed and shedded our clothes faster than horny teenagers. He pulls me in doggy, not even knowing it's my favorite. I almost climax with the first thrust, it's been so damn long. But I force myself to hold on. Not for very long though. I can't. Luckily, neither can he. It's so fucking good. So fucking fast.

We throw ourselves back into the bed, breathless for quite a while.


The man knows what he's doing in bed.

"Where will you be traveling to next?" He asks me after we regain our breathing. Both of us facing the ceiling still.

Interesting he'd ask.

"I'm joining the Ferrari team, so all over." I confess, no harm in doing so.

"You're the enemy then." He teases me, rolling to his side to look at me.

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