Smooth Operator

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Proposal day arrives before I'm ready for it, but thankfully the event is

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Proposal day arrives before I'm ready for it, but thankfully the event is. The day we land in Italy Charles whisks Amelia away for a romantic day, and we get to work.

If Amelia suspected anything from Max flying with us instead of Redbull, she doesn't say anything. Daniel and Max are a massive help day of, picking up the sweets and last minute things so we can host in style. Although I feel I deserve far more credit than the boys for this one because without me there wouldn't be a venue, nor catering.

But all is well that ends well.

I feel like a chicken with my head cut off, scrambling to make things just so before people start to arrive. I still have my shoes in hand as I rush to place the last of the cards but the second he walks in the room I feel it. His haunting dark brown eyes find me and our gazes met, my pulse quickening instantly.

"Hi," he crosses the room a little too quickly to greet me. In a full suit he looks devastatingly handsome, but hell I thought the same thing about him in only a towel the other day. The man looks good in anything.

"Hi," I finish my task and try not to meet his eye "Stand here a moment."

And he does, staying still and quiet, offering me a supporting hand as I slip into my heels. His kindness makes for a welcome shift between us after the last few weeks. Honestly I don't know what to think about it, but I'll worry about that later.

"We should talk." Daniel says once I'm finally back on my feet.

Dread swirls in my stomach, because on tonight of all nights I don't want to get rejected by him again. Amelia's father takes that moment to walk in, and I have to thank my lucky stars at the timing.

"I'd rather not." Without looking back, I make a break for him.

"Ciao darling," He greets me with double kisses warmly, "I don't know about you but I was so excited last night I could hardly sleep."

He smiles at me like he's won the lottery and in way he has. The heir to Ferrari marrying the Ferrari racing driver? It's a certifiable formula one fairy tale.

"I know just what you mean," Although the reason I could hardly sleep has nothing to do with Charles and Amelia, but he doesn't need to know that. "I can hardly wait to see the ring!"

"It's beautiful," He breathes knowingly "I gave Charles a family emerald."

For a minute there I forgot he's a billionaire until he said family emerald, like holy hell. Now that's something I really can't imagine. But I know Amelia will be thrilled! She's mentioned like a hundred times she wanted a unique ring and that's sure to be one. "Nothing but the best for our girl."

Piero nods in agreement, "You could be next."

Ha, if only he knew. It's all I can do not to laugh out loud. "And ruin all my fun? I don't think so." I recover and tease him back lightly.

"A woman after my own heart."

Charles family arrived as we chat, looking like a group of models if I've ever seen it. The genes that family has is nothing short of remarkable. All lean with chiseled faces and grins so beautiful they could make a woman forget her own name. Amelia did mention Lorenzo is single again, so hey maybe I'll lucky enough for a dance tonight.

They head straight for us, Pascale leading the way in a stunning blue gown. She hugs me first, remembering my from Monaco but treating me more like an old friend that someone she's met once "Beautiful dress, if only I were forty years younger."

"Ah, you'd show me up even today." I promise her, moving to kiss Arthur next.

"Thought I'd never see the day!" Pascale exclaims, pulling the much taller than her Piero into a sweet embrace. The pair of them look so happy I wouldn't be surprised if they literally cried tears of joy.

Lorenzo is next, kissing politely before he says smoothly "Don't think I've had the privilege yet, I'm Lorenzo."

"Elsa." I smile at him, drinking in his greek god like from.

His eyes twinkle with a hint of mischief, "Ah, you're the english girl I've heard so much about."

Interesting. Wonder what he could have heard?

"Only half of it is true." I tease him, nothing he's giving me this eyes. The I want to see you naked eyes.... fucking hell, maybe I need to wear this dress more often.

He eyes me up and down slowly, making his intentions crystal clear "Stunning party, I only hope she says yes."

We laugh together because we both know there's no way in hell she doesn't, "Exactly why we have an open bar."

"Speaking of, would you like to have a drink with me?"

"Sure." I agree, falling into step and easy conversation with him. By the time we finish our first drink, the party is packed and teeming with excitement. If the clocks right Charles should arrive any moment now but still, I find myself deep in conversation with Lorenzo. It doesn't take long to realize the man is a womanizer and shamelessly so. But he's eyes on the eyes and his banter is fantastic.

It could be more enjoyable, if I didn't feel a certain racing drivers eyes burning into me. But I'm doing my best to ignore it, hard as that is.

The moment Charles and Amelia arrive, the whole party erupts into loud cheers and whistles. It's on fifty of us here but by the noise you'd think it was at least double that, each of us buzzing with excitement for the lucky couple.

Lorenzo whistles with two fingers in his mouth like a certifiable cowboy, and suggest we order the new fiancés a drink. A wonderful idea if I've ever heard one, so we do.

"Where did you learn to whistle like that?"

He gives me a cheeky little grin as we double fist the drinks, "You'll find I am a man of many talents."

Raising an eyebrow at his confidence "Will I now?"

He doesn't back down, doubling down instead "Oh yes, I also make excellent coffee."

Got to admire his balls.

There's no chance to follow up on that comment before we stumble into Amelia and Charles, passing off drinks and congratulations. The pair of them are absolutely beaming, glowing with love.

Hugs are exchanged, the ring is ogled over and before I can blink he whisks me away to the dance floor. In keeping with his smooth operator style, he's a fucking fantastic dancer.

When it shifts to a slow song, he twirls me like a princess. The air feels positively magic tonight, like a little of the happy couples luck in love is dusted over all of us. He's obviously feeling it too, because he bends down to plant a long peck on my lips without any warning.

The second our lips touch, I know it's wrong.

There's nothing wrong with him, but the feeling of Daniel watching as I kiss another man makes me feel positively ill.

It just feels... wrong.

Lorenzo oozes charm and dominates most of my time for the evening regardless, but I break for the loo and find myself hunting a chair instead to give my feet a break.

A chair Daniel makes his way to in record time, "Care to dance?"

He beams down at me but I sigh, rubbing my ankle. "Not really, I-" Just as I'm about tell him I'd like to sit a bit longer he cuts me off.

Shooting dangers, "Fine." Only to promptly walk away before I can get a word in edgewise.

Honestly, what was that about?

I can't catch a freaking break with him.

Maybe it's time for someone new after all.

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