Want Him Bad

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In spite of the rocky start to the day, it's still a good one

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In spite of the rocky start to the day, it's still a good one. A Ferrari one two and a few martinis really help it feel that way at least.

Pierre hasn't given more than a glance in my direction and I'm sure as hell not being the one to break the ice.

I did nothing wrong.

And I don't appreciate being treated like I have.

Recounting the story back to Carmen, she takes a girls side like always. "Men" With an eye roll.

"Agreed." Amelia puts her glass up for a group cheers we can all agree on.

"Can't live with them, can't live without them." I give our toast and the glasses clink.

At least I have them.

"Besides, what the hell kind of label is '"lover," Amelia air quotes Pierre's choice of words.

"Wait, you didn't say - Did he ask you what you wanted?" Carmen mentions the one thing he in fact did not.

"Couldn't be arsed with that." And with another clunk of our glassware together, we've finished our drinks.

"I got next round!" Amelia peels off at the same time Charles walks by which is a sure signal these drinks are going to take a while.

"What do you want?" Carmen pushes me for an answer I haven't even been honest with myself over yet.

I want him.

Want him bad.

But he doesn't want me.

As if by the magic of my own mind, Daniel walks out to the patio before I have a chance to answer. My eyes drawn to him automatically he grants me a little grin as he notices. Black is truly his color and he's rocking it well tonight. But he rocks everything well.

"Go," Carmen chuckles with a little push to my shoulder after she caught my eye. That was all the answer she needed. "I need to drag G to dance anyways."

Taking my leave my feet take my straight to the bar his elbows rest on, a bar Amelia is coincidentally nowhere near.

"Evening" I break the ice pulling up the spot next to him.

"Hi," He turns to face me and there goes my heart, beating out of order again. "You didn't call."

Referencing his note, "I didn't need anything."

He orders for us, remembering what I like to drink. Of course he does. At this point maybe I shouldn't be shocked.

"But you took my hoodie."

"Your hoodie? It's mine now." I poke fun at him and am rewarded with the chuckle I wanted.

Our drinks hit the bar and at the same moment Daniel asks "Do you want to get out of here?"


He's not even been here five minutes. I've been here at least an hour at this point but his offer is more than tempting.

Instead of the yes I want to say "You just got here?"

"And now I just want to leave. With you. Please." My heart soars and I can't say no.

But the last thing I want right now is to keep pissing Pierre off. "Meet me downstairs in ten?"

Because meeting is much less obvious than walking out together obviously. Daniel has a twinkle in his eye, picking up his drink he's yet to touch "I thought you'd never ask."

I search his eyes for a meaning, taking my vodka in one and find nothing other than a twinkle of excitement.


Either way I leave the bar and head down the stairs to await him. Giving Pierre a small unreturned smile on my walk out, his blue eyes piercing.

What the actual hell am I doing here?

Do I actually have feelings for Pierre?

It sure felt like it on the lift.

One thing I know for sure is I hate this animosity between us. Pierre deserves better than a wrecking ball of a girl like me.

But he actually wants you, Daniel doesn't my head so coldly reminds me. Pushing that thought away my prince charming descends the stairs with a mischievous grin.

"You good to walk?" He asks, and I thank my lucky stars I wore a jacket in this chilly weather.

"Sure." I agree and he holds the door open for me, slipping under his arm easy due to our height difference. "Thank you for last night." Kicking it off with what's been on my mind ever since.

Looking for answers from him if I'm honest. "That's what friend are for." He grins at me with each step down the alley way.

There's that word again, friends.

Fucking hell.

Without a moments thought to it the words come pouring out of my mouth "Bet you climb into the bath with all your friends huh?"

My tone is joking but my heart is begging him to tell me I'm wrong. Give me a reason to keep hoping.

Daniel throws his head back at cackles, pleaded with my joke and not reading my meaning.

When our laughter fades Daniel fills the silence "Do you ever miss home?"

Hell of a question for someone like me.

Keeping it short and sweet "Not really." Because there's nothing left for me there. I don't have a home anymore.

"I miss it terribly." Daniel groans and his heart ache is evident in each syllable.

My heart twinges for him.

How special to have a place you long to go back to.

How sad to never be able to be there.

Life is never all ups. "Care if I smoke while you me about it?" I've never been to his estate before but if I remember right it's Daniels absolute pride and joy.

"Never." He gives me a wink that shows he means it.

A wink that makes me tingle in all the wrong places.

Sure enough, he lights up when his eyes turn back on me to talk of home. He speaks of tree's and being able ride for ages before it ends. Of sunsets and kangaroos and his friends, a close knit group that grounds hims. Of bonfires and shoeys and the moments there that made him.

I beam just seeing his happiness.

Just seeing his joy is enough for me.

He tosses out an invite just before we come to a stop at my hotel.

Should I ask him up?

The time says we've been walking over an hour but it feels like minutes.

His eyes on mine I'm emboldened, taking the risk "Do you want to come up?"

Something unrecognizable flashes across his eyes "Not tonight beautiful." He leans down to plant a long slow kiss on my forehead that sends sparks from my head to my toes.

Not tonight.

At least he called me beautiful.

Either way, I smile up the whole lift this time.

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