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5:40 PM

I walk into the living room with Harry by my side, feeling content and happy. Phoebe and Daisy are sitting on the couch, reading a book to Avery. As soon as Avery spots me, she jumps off the couch and runs towards me, her little arms stretched wide open.

I kneel down to her level, and she jumps into my arms, giggling with delight. I lift her up and spin her around, her laughter filling the room. She then looks at me with her big blue eyes and asks, "Why are you wet, Mumma?"

I chuckle and glance over at Harry, who is standing behind me with a small smile on his face. "We went for a swim in the ocean," I say, still holding her in my arms.

"Can I go swimming in the ocean too?" Avery asks excitedly, wriggling in my arms.

"Not today, babe. It's too cold for you," I reply, setting her back down on the ground.

I notice Harry looking at Avery with a soft expression on his face. I can't help but feel a sense of warmth in my heart at the sight.

"Thank you so much for taking care of her," I say, turning to Phoebe and Daisy.

"It was our pleasure, Gen," Phoebe responds with a smile.

"She's such a good kid," Daisy adds.

Harry and I quickly head upstairs to change out of our wet clothes. 

As we make our way back downstairs, Phoebe and Daisy are getting ready to leave. We thank them again, and Harry offers to walk them out.

"Are you okay if I go and give Ave a bath?" I ask as he leads the girls to the foyer. He nods his head and I take Avery's hand and guide her upstairs to the bathroom. 

We enter the room, and I turn the gold taps and pour some body wash in, filling the bath with bubbles. 

Avery hops in and she starts playing with some toys while I pour a cup of warm water over her head. Then, she suddenly asks me a question I'd been dreading to hear.

"Mumma, where is Daddy?" she asks, looking up at me with her big, innocent eyes.

My heart clenches in my chest, and I take a deep breath to steady myself. "He's back in Australia, Ave," I reply. 

"Why isn't he here with us?" she asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Well, he had to stay back to take care of some things," I explain, not wanting to go into too much detail.

"Will he come visit us soon?" she asks hopefully.

"I'm not sure, babe. But we'll see him again someday," I reply, feeling a pang of sadness in my heart. It's hard to explain to a two-year-old why her dad can't be with us.

Avery nods, seemingly satisfied with my answer. But then she continues, "I miss him, Mumma."

"I know you do, sweetie. But we'll always be here for you," I say, trying to reassure her. "You have me, Auntie Amber, Auntie Gemma, Uncle James, and Harry."

 I quickly finish washing her hair and then start on her little body. As I lather up her tummy, my mind starts to wander, and my thoughts drift to Harry.

I can't stop thinking about the kiss we shared on the beach. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before, and it felt so right in the moment. But now, as I sit here giving Avery a bath, I can't help but feel like I've fucked everything up.

Maybe I'm making it too hard for myself. Maybe I just need to focus on being there for Avery and not complicate things any further. 

But it's not that simple. Harry makes me feel alive in a way I haven't felt in years. And yet, I can't forget that I have a daughter to take care of.

As I rinse Avery off and wrap her in a towel, I make a promise to myself to put her first. She's my priority, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure she has a happy and healthy childhood.

I carry Avery to her room and help her into her pyjamas, run a brush through her hair and quickly tie it into a braid.

I take her downstairs to find Harry in the kitchen, cooking dinner for us. He's focused on the stove, chopping vegetables and stirring a pot on the burner. He looks up and sees us, and his face lights up with a smile.

"Hey, you two," he greets us warmly. "How was the bath?"

"It was great," I reply, feeling awkward and uncertain.

I set Avery down at the dining table before heading to the kitchen and grabbing cutlery for us three. 

We've gotten into a pretty good routine while the others have been away; I give Ave a bath while Harry cooks us dinner. I've told him he doesn't have to, but he says he doesn't mind, and I know he loves to be in the kitchen. 

Harry serves us plates of pasta and salad. As we eat, I can't help but feel the tension between us. I keep stealing glances at him, wondering if he's thinking about the kiss like I am. 

After we finish eating, Harry takes care of the dishes while I read Ave a book and put her down for bed. When I come back downstairs, Harry is on the couch, scrolling through his phone. I sit down next to him, but there's a palpable distance between us.

"Gen, about earlier..." Harry begins, but I interrupt him.

"It's okay, Harry," I say quickly. "Let's just forget about it and move on."

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," he continues. "I didn't mean to overstep any boundaries."

I take a deep breath and finally meet his gaze. "It's not that you made me uncomfortable," I admit. "It's just that I don't want things to be complicated between us."

Harry nods in understanding. "I know what you mean," he says. "But I want you to know that I'm always going to care about you and Avery."

I feel a lump forming in my throat, and I struggle to find the right words. "I don't know what to say," I manage to choke out. "I just don't want to fuck all of this up."

He takes my hand in his and gives it a reassuring squeeze. "I understand," he says softly. "But can I at least do this?"

Before I can respond, Harry leans in and kisses me again. This time, it's more passionate and intense than before. I can feel his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him, and I can't help but reciprocate.

Suddenly, my phone starts vibrating, and I pull away from Harry to answer it. 

There are three text messages, all from Amber. 





Harry peers over my shoulder, and I look at him before he gives me a nod, gesturing me to call her.

It's Amber. She's crying, and I can tell something big has happened. "You won't believe it," she sobs. "James just proposed to me!"

I can't believe it. I'm so happy for her. "Oh my god, Amby, that's amazing!" I say, and Harry's face lights up with excitement too.

Amber continues to tell me all the details, how he proposed on the balcony of their apartment they're staying at, and that the ring is delicate, but has a beautiful diamond on it. I can hear the happiness in her voice. Harry and I both congratulate her, and I can feel the joy radiating from both of us.

"Okay, Ambs. I'll let you go now." I say quickly, giving Harry a glance. "Go and celebrate with your fiance," I add emphasis on the word and hear her giggle from the other line. 

"Okay, okay. I love you, Evie." She replies. "And we'll be back home very soon. Only two more days."

"I love you too," I say before hanging up and placing my phone back on the coffee table. "Now," I say, smirking at Harry. "Where were we?"


two chapters in two days 🙌

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