A/N: 100K reads!!! i never imagined this story would get so much love. it's kind of bittersweet to hit this milestone with this chapter being the final one in rhode island. thank you all so much, i can't even express how grateful i am for all of you <3



As I wake up in our room for the very last time, the weight of moving day settles over me like a heavy blanket. Everything is packed, the room stripped bare of our belongings. 

A sense of nostalgia washes over me as I glance around the room, each corner holding memories of our time together. 

Turning to my side, I see Harry still asleep beside me, his features softened in slumber. Avery snuggles between us, her tiny form nestled against mine. It's bittersweet, knowing that this is the last morning we'll spend together in this room.

As Avery stirs awake, her sleepy voice fills the room with warmth. "Mumma," she murmurs, snuggling closer to me and placing a small hand on my belly. 

"Morning, honey," I whisper back, careful not to disturb Harry's peaceful slumber. He's been through so much these past weeks, carrying the weight of our grief while keeping everything organised, and the least I can do is let him have a sleep-in. 

As Avery gives me cuddles, I feel a fluttering sensation in my belly, a gentle reminder of the life growing inside me. "Avie, do you feel sissy kicking?" I ask, hoping to share this moment with her.

Avery places her hand on my stomach, her touch light and curious. She giggles as she feels the tiny movements beneath her fingertips. "She's sayin' hi," she says with a yawn.

"She sure is," I reply, feeling a swell of love for my two daughters. "Saying hi to her big sissy." Avery buries her face in my neck, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. I can sense her nervousness about becoming a sister, but I know she'll be amazing.

As we cuddle in bed a little longer, Harry eventually wakes up and joins us. "I can't believe we're moving," he says, his voice tinged with a mixture of excitement and nostalgia.

"I'm excited to actually see the house," I admit, though I'm still a little upset that Harry bought it without telling me. But I know deep down that this move is necessary for our family's future.

Harry smiles warmly. "I think you're going to love it, it's beautiful," he reassures me, and I can't help but smile back, resting my head on his shoulder. Avery, who is laying on Harry's chest, chimes in, "Will my toys be in the new house?"

"They will be," Harry confirms, "in your new room."

Avery's face lights up. "Can I share with sissy when she comes?" she asks eagerly.

Harry chuckles softly. "Maybe when she's a little bigger," he replies, and Avery pouts in disappointment.

Harry plants a tender kiss on Avery's forehead as she excitedly chats to him about ballerinas. Meanwhile, I take a quiet moment to really soak in the atmosphere of our soon-to-be former room. So much has transpired within these walls – Harry and I fell in love, we've had our fair share of arguments, even conceived here. We've wrapped presents, shed tears, and shared laughter. Though I've only lived here since October, this house has provided me with so much comfort during difficult times.

It's surreal to think that we're leaving this place behind and moving across the country, far away from this beautiful home nestled away from the chaos of the outside world. 

Avery whispers softly to me, "Breakfast time, please." Despite seeing Harry as her dad, she still exhibits moments of shyness when asking him for things. I respond with a gentle smile, "Okay, baby," reassuring her that her request will be taken care of.

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