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A/N: this is part 1/2 of a double update!! make sure to read this part first!


The hum of the private jet engines is oddly soothing as I glance around the cabin. Harry's right next to me, looking over some notes for tonight's show at Madison Square Garden. Avery's giggles fill the space, a bright contrast to the monotony of the flight. She's playing with Gracie and her best friend Audrey, who have been absolute angels on this trip. 

The doctors assured me that travelling should be fine as long as I had someone with me to monitor my health closely, so we made sure to bring my new midwife, Jackie, along for the trip.

Harry's in full dad mode, saying, "Avery, sweetheart, it's not nice to talk with your mouth full."

Avery giggles and tries to talk around her snacks, "But Daddy, I wanna tell Gracie about my new toy!"

Harry smiles and shakes his head. "Just chew and then talk, okay?"

I'm absolutely exhausted, resting my head on Harry's shoulder and closing my eyes. He keeps his hand gently on my bump, providing a comforting presence.

Jackie, my midwife, leans over and says, "Gen, it's time for your antibiotics."

I groan but manage a tired smile. "Thanks, Jackie." I take the pills, feeling grateful for her support.

Avery is busy playing "I Spy" with Gracie and Audrey. "I spy with my little eye... something green!" Avery says excitedly.

Gracie guesses, "Is it your apple?"


Audrey chimes in, "Is it your crayon?"

"No, it's my daddy's eyes!"

The hours pass, and soon it's Avery's nap time. She's getting fussy and starts to get grumpy with Gracie and Audrey, snatching toys and throwing little tantrums.

"No, baby, we don't do that," I say gently, picking her up. Avery starts to cry, her small arms reaching for anything to hold onto.

She's getting pretty heavy, and with my pregnant belly, it's a struggle. I rock her gently, trying to calm her down. "Shhh..." I murmur, walking slowly up and down the aisle of the plane.

Harry stands up, his hand reaching out to stroke Avery's hair. "It's okay, Ave," he says softly, and I see Avery start to settle a bit.

Eventually, she calms down enough that I can sit back down. I carefully pass her over to Harry, and she drifts off, snuggling into his lap.

Audrey glances over and says, "She is adorable," with a warm smile.

I smile back, feeling a mix of exhaustion and love. "And a lot of hard work," I reply, watching as Harry's gentle touch helps Avery fall deeper into sleep.

Harry looks down at Avery, her tiny body curled up peacefully on his lap. "Look at this sleeping angel," he murmurs, his voice soft and full of affection.

I lean in and press a gentle kiss to Avery's forehead, feeling a rush of tenderness. But as I watch her, a wave of anxiety begins to settle over me.

I haven't been this public with Harry and everything since the One Direction days, and the attention from fans is a lot to handle. With the pregnancy, the worry is compounded. I try to keep my composure, but the unease is hard to ignore.

The thought of being out in the open with Harry, dealing with crowds and fans, is overwhelming. I know it's just the excitement of the show, but the combination of the pregnancy and the fans makes me feel a bit scared. I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself and remain calm for Avery's sake and my own.

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