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12:32 PM

Amber and are next to each other in the living room, discussing her upcoming birthday, which is in three days. Avery sits in my lap, engrossed in a picture book, her tiny fingers tracing the colourful illustrations. 

As we talk, I can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nerves. Amber's birthday is always a big event.

"So, Evie," Amber begins, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, "What do you think about just having a big dinner in the backyard with everyone?" She suggests. "I kind of want to change the scenery up a bit, I'm not really in a party mood."

"I think it's a great idea," I reply, a smile playing on my lips. "How many people are you thinking of inviting?"

Amber leans closer, her excitement contagious. "Well, I'm thinking of keeping it smaller, but probably around 30. I've hired this company to come and set up two long tables and decorations. I reckon it'll turn out really nice."

I smile, watching Avery giggle at a particularly amusing illustration. "I can't wait," I say. "I've already got the perfect dress in mind."

As the conversation lulls for a moment, Amber turns to me with a curious expression. "So," she begins, her tone filled with intrigue, "What's been going on with you and Harry?"

I take a deep breath, realizing it's time to share the news. While we've been together for a few weeks now, we've been keeping it quiet. "Well, Harry and I are together," I confess, a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through me. "We're taking it very slowly, but it just feels right."

"Oh my god, I knew it!" Amber squeals, and rests her head against mine. "You guys are just so good for each other. You always have been."

I can't help but smile, relieved and grateful for her understanding. We've been friends for so long, and her support means the world to me.

"Mumma, play 'Cardigan'?" Avery's little voice asks from my lap. She's been absolutely obsessed with folklore by Taylor Swift lately, and who can blame her? 

Amber and I exchange amused glances, laughing at Avery's musical choice. "Of course, baby," I reply, grabbing my phone and connecting it to the speaker. As the soft melodies fill the air, Avery's little feet start dancing, twirling around in perfect rhythm.

 "She is so your daughter," Amber whispers in my ear, and I can't help but smile as she stands up and starts spinning Ave around while singing the chorus. 

"I knew you, dancing in your Levi's, drunk under a streetlight," She sings while holding Ave's hands. 

The scene is filled with pure happiness and the bond of friendship. At that moment, I realize how fortunate I am to have both of them in my life.

As the song comes to an end, Avery collapses into a fit of giggles, her infectious laughter filling the night air. She runs up to me and I hug her tightly, feeling the warmth of love envelop us all. 

In the midst of our laughter and music, I notice Harry approaching us, a gentle smile on his lips. I feel a rush of emotions and before I can say anything, Amber stands up. 

"Shit, I'm late. I've got to meet James down at the cafe near the sailing club," she says. "Have fun, you three."

Harry enters the room, his presence bringing a sense of comfort. He quickly gives me a kiss before taking a seat on the couch next to me.

Suddenly, Avery's innocent voice breaks the silence, asking a question that catches me off guard.  "Why do you kiss Harry?"

 feel a rush of nervousness as I search for the right words. This is a conversation I hadn't expected to have so soon, but I know it's important to be open and honest with Avery. Taking a deep breath, I look into her curious eyes and begin to explain.

"Sometimes, when people care about each other a lot, they show it by giving kisses and hugs. It's a way to show that you love someone."

Avery furrows her brows, clearly trying to process the information. "Why don't you kiss Daddy?"

My heart tightens at the mention of Archie, a reminder of the past that still lingers. I take a moment to gather my thoughts, knowing that honesty is essential in our conversation. 

"Mummy and Daddy realized that they weren't happy together, and it's better for everyone if we don't see each other anymore," I explain gently.

Avery's eyes widen, her tiny voice filled with concern. "Did Daddy do something bad?"

I swallow the lump in my throat, attempting to alleviate her worry. "No, baby, it's not that Daddy did something bad. Mummy and Daddy just didn't get along very well, that's all."

Avery ponders our words for a moment, her brows furrowing slightly. "Is Harry my daddy?" 

I smile softly, understanding her confusion. "No, Harry isn't your daddy, babe. But he loves you very much, just like I do."

Avery looks from Harry to me, her innocent eyes seeking understanding. I take her small hands in mine, searching for the simplest words to explain. "Mum and Harry like each other, Avery. It's just like how you have friends you like to play with. We are good friends who care about each other a lot."

Avery's face brightens, a smile gracing her lips. "Okay, can we all play together?"

Relief washes over me as I nod, a sense of reassurance filling my heart. "Of course, babe. What do you want to play?" I say with a laugh. 

As the day continues, I decide to go and check on Gemma. She got back from the hospital a few days ago but has to take it easy and get lots of rest. 

I gently push open the door and step into her room, finding her sitting on the edge of her bed, lost in thought. Her eyes light up when she sees me, and she welcomes me with a warm smile.

"Hey, Gen," Gemma says softly, patting the spot next to her on the bed. "Come and sit with me for a while."

I settle down beside her, feeling a sense of familiarity and comfort in her presence. We sit in silence for a moment, allowing the room to fill with serene tranquillity.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, my voice filled with genuine concern.

I've been really worried about her, and I can't even imagine how Harry's been feeling lately. The closest thing I have to a sibling is Amber, wouldn't be able to cope if something ever happened to her. 

Gemma takes a deep breath before responding, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and vulnerability. "I have my good days and my not-so-good days, but having you all here has made such a difference."

Touched by her words, I reach out and gently squeeze her hand. "We're here for you, Gem. We're all family, and we'll always be here."

Gemma nods, a hint of tears glistening in her eyes. "Harry told me about you two," she changes the topic. "And I'm really happy you found each other again. Harry needs you, especially after what he's been through this past year."

Confusion settles over me like a dense fog. "What do you mean?" I ask softly, my heart starting to ache at the thought of Harry going through something so difficult without my knowledge.

Gemma sighs, her gaze drifting to the floor for a moment before meeting my eyes again. "Last year... Harry went through a really dark time, Gen. He was battling with his mental health. It was a difficult period, and we were all really scared for him."

"He... he was going to...?" I can't even bring myself to finish the sentence, the words catching in my throat.

Gemma's expression softens, her voice filled with empathy. "Yes, Gen. He was in a very dark place, but he managed to find the strength to reach out for help. And since then, he's been working so hard on his recovery. You have no idea how much he needs you, especially after everything he's been through."

Tears well up in my eyes, a mixture of emotions flooding my heart. I reach out and grab Gemma's hand, squeezing it tightly. "I didn't know, Gem. I didn't realize he was going through all of that. I just... I don't know what to do."

"You don't need to do anything. Just having you and Ave around has helped him more than you know. You have a way of bringing out the best in people, and Harry is no exception. Just remember to take care of yourself too."

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