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The drive from the Airport to the hotel in Sydney is a quiet one, the hum of the engine providing a steady backdrop to the thoughts racing through my mind.

Gen sits beside me, her gaze fixed out the window, and I can see the weariness etched on her face. The demand from Archie for Gen to move their things out of her old house has thrown us into a whirlwind of uncertainty.

It's the 29th of December, and we're in Sydney for the next five nights, an uncomfortable necessity forced upon us. I insisted on accompanying Gen, despite her initial resistance. The thought of leaving her alone, especially after she had a panic attack in my arms, was unbearable.

My team moved quickly to organize my private jet and this hotel, creating a safe haven for us during this challenging time. I look at Gen, her vulnerability plain to see, and I'm filled with a mixture of anger and protectiveness. The very idea that she'd have to face this alone with Archie, the man who has caused her so much pain, was unfathomable.

Saying goodbye to Avery had been heart-wrenching. I could see the anguish in Gen's eyes as she held back tears, promising her that she'd be back soon. It's the longest they've ever been apart, and I can't help but share in the ache she feels.

"Why don't you Facetime Amber so you can talk to Ave before she goes to bed?" I suggest, hoping it might lift Gen's spirits a little. She looks at me, her eyes lighting up with gratitude, and nods in agreement.

She quickly grabs her phone and dials Amber's number, her fingers trembling slightly.

Amber answers the call with her usual warm and cheerful tone, asking about the flights. Gen responds, her voice tired but determined, "Exhausting, but I've got to get this over and done with."

"Do you want to talk to Ave?" Amber asks, sensing how much Gen needs this connection with her daughter. Gen nods, and I can see a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she waits for Avery to come on the screen.

Amber hands the phone to Avery, who's in the living room playing with Gemma and James. Seeing Avery on the screen, her hair in two adorable braids, dressed in satin pyjamas with her name embroidered on them, brings a smile to both of our faces.

"Hi, babe!" Gen exclaims with a huge grin, her voice brimming with affection.

"Mumma!" Avery's face lights up, and I can tell she's thrilled to see her mom on the screen. "I miss you," she says with a hint of sadness in her little voice.

"I miss you too, Avie," Gen replies, her own voice reflecting the longing she feels. "What have you been up to?"

Avery proceeds to tell Gen every single detail she can remember about the past couple of days, and Gen listens intently, hanging on to every word, just happy to hear her little girl's voice.

"Do you want to talk to Daddy?" Gen asks, and my heart swells with gratitude that she's thought of me.

Avery's face lights up, and she nods eagerly. Gen hands me the phone, and I can't help but smile as I see her adorable little face on the screen.

"Hey, bun!" I greet her with a warm smile, and she giggles, sitting on Gemma's lap. "Are you having fun with Auntie Gem?" I ask, genuinely interested, and she enthusiastically responds, "Yes! She's the doctor Barbie, and I'm the mermaid one!"

I feel a rush of joy hearing her excitement. "That sounds awesome," I say with a chuckle.

"When are you coming home?" Avery's innocent question tugs at my heartstrings, and I quickly glance at Gen, who offers a reassuring smile.

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