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As we make our way to the dining table, I pull out a chair for Gen and help her sit down. Avery is already settled in her seat, with Gemma placing a cushion to make her more comfortable. The table is adorned with a beautifully set tablecloth and the delicious aroma of the food fills the air.

We all start to eat, and I can't help but watch Avery with a smile on my face. I lean towards her and ask, "Do you like the chicken, Ave?" She nods her head vigorously, her eyes shining with delight. 

"Yes!" she exclaims, her little voice filled with excitement.

Gen cuts up the potatoes into small, bite-sized pieces for Avery. She encourages her to use her fork, and I watch as Avery tries her best to maneuver it, her determination and focus evident.

The room is filled with contented sighs and satisfied smiles as we finish our meal. 

Amber exclaims, "Okay, now it's time for presents!" She jumps up from her seat and heads to the side table where the gifts are waiting.

She gathers all the presents and begins distributing them to their respective recipients. I watch with anticipation, excited to see the reactions to the gifts we've carefully chosen.

I'm first up. I hand her a small, wrapped package with a mischievous smile. She unwraps it, and there lies a picture in a frame. It's an awkward snapshot of Gemma and me from our younger days. She's got bangs and a side part, and my hair is all spiked up from gel.

Gemma bursts into laughter, shaking her head. "Oh my god, Harry!" she exclaims, holding the photo up for everyone to see. It's a reminder of the playful bond we share, and laughter fills the room.

 It's a reminder of the playful bond we share, and laughter fills the room

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Next, it's Gen's turn. She presents Gemma with a beautifully wrapped box. Gemma opens it to reveal a stunning gold necklace with an orange gemstone pendant. Gemma's eyes widen in awe as she holds it up, admiring its elegance. 

"Gen, this is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much," she says, a genuine appreciation in her voice. 

Gen also hands her a book voucher, a token of her love for Gemma's passion for reading, and a handmade card from Avery. Gemma pulls Avery onto her lap and gives her a tight hug. "Thank you, Gen and Ave. This means the world to me," she says, her voice filled with gratitude.

"You're welcome, Auntie Gem Gem," Avery replies. 

Amber and James step forward, presenting Gemma with an envelope. Inside is a generous $1000 Sephora voucher, a gift that reflects Gemma's love for beauty and self-care. Gemma's eyes widen in surprise and delight. "Wow, you guys! This is incredible! Thank you so much," she exclaims, overwhelmed by their thoughtfulness.

Lastly, Michal approaches her with a small, elegantly wrapped box. Gemma opens it to find a delicate gold bracelet with a single pearl charm. A smile spreads across her face, and she leans in to give Michal a sweet kiss. "Thank you, Michal. It's beautiful," she says, her voice filled with affection.

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