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The car slows to a halt, and the driver opens the door, and I feel a flutter of excitement mixed with a tinge of disbelief. This is it—the moment we've been waiting for. We're here. I glance up at the charming white house standing before us, and can't believe this is where our family is going to live.

With Avery nestled sleepily in my arms, her soft breaths tickling my neck, I step out of the car, careful not to disturb her slumber. Gen is beside us and I catch her eye. She returns my gaze with a small smile, mirroring the mix of emotions swirling within me.

Together, we walk towards the real estate agent standing at the front area, the anticipation mounting with each step. The agent greets us with a friendly smile, and I can't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards this stranger who holds the keys to our future.

As we approach the real estate agent, Shawn, I offer him a polite smile, feeling a surge of anticipation coursing through me. Shawn extends his hand, and I grasp it firmly, returning his greeting with equal enthusiasm.

"Harry, Gen, welcome to LA!" Shawn exclaims, his voice warm and welcoming. His eyes twinkle with genuine excitement as he addresses us, and I can't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards him for guiding us through this process.

"Thank you, Shawn," I reply.

"The movers have unpacked most of your furniture, but left things like your clothes in boxes still," Shawn informs us, his tone helpful. I nod, mentally noting the information. 

"Do you guys want a tour?" Shawn offers, gesturing towards the house. I glance at Gen, silently deferring to her judgment. She meets my gaze and shakes her head slightly.

"I think we're okay, but thank you," Gen replies politely. Shawn nods in understanding, a warm smile gracing his lips.

"Well, enjoy your new home!" Shawn says cheerfully, his enthusiasm contagious. With a final nod of thanks, Gen and I turn towards the house, ready to begin this new chapter of our lives.

Gen inserts the key into the lock, her hands slightly trembling with nerves. She turns back to me, a nervous giggle escaping her lips. "I'm scared," she admits, her eyes wide with anticipation. She hasn't opened the door yet, but the weight of this moment hangs heavy in the air.

Avery stirs in my arms, her nap interrupted by the excitement around her. "Down!" she demands, wriggling in my grasp. I oblige, gently placing her feet on the ground as she asserts her newfound independence.

"Mumma open it!" Avery exclaims, her voice filled with excitement as she jumps up and down in anticipation. Gen shares a nervous yet amused glance with me before turning back to the door, her hand gripping the doorknob tightly.

She turns the key and pushes open the door, revealing the entryway bathed in soft light filtering through the windows. The space is pretty bare but charming with its old timber floors, white walls, and high ceilings. 

"Oh my god," Gen gasps, her eyes widening in wonder as she steps into the entryway. "H, this is beautiful."

Avery, sensing her mother's excitement, darts ahead with gleeful giggles, exploring every nook and cranny as if she's already claimed the place as her own.

I watch Gen's reaction with a mixture of anticipation and affection. Personally, I love the house—the way it exudes warmth and character—but seeing Gen's genuine awe makes it even more special.

She turns to me, her eyes shining with unspoken gratitude and love, and without a word, she pulls me into a long, lingering kiss.

"You're going to love it," I say to Gen as she nods, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

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