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Gen's voice cuts through my thoughts like a lifeline.

"Okay, you can open them now," she says, and my curiosity is piqued. What could she possibly be showing me?

As my eyes open, nothing could have prepared me for the sight that greets me – two positive pregnancy tests in her hands.

My heart skips a beat, and I feel like time itself has momentarily frozen. My gaze is fixed on those tests, and I'm lost in a whirlwind of emotions.

Shock is the first thing that registers. I'm utterly and completely stunned. My mind races, trying to comprehend the reality of what I'm seeing.

Two lines.


It's as if my brain has short-circuited, and I'm struggling to process this unexpected news.

Staring at those tests, I don't know how to feel. It's not joy or excitement that washes over me. Instead, it's a strange mixture of shock and stress.

My heart pounds and my hands clench unconsciously at my sides.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath, my voice barely audible in the charged air. A storm of thoughts rages within me. "You're pregnant."

This year is already a whirlwind of commitments – tour, writing the album – and now a baby? It feels like an insurmountable weight, a challenge that I'm not prepared for.

As I take in the reality of the situation, I can feel a sense of frustration building within me. Frustration at the timing, at the suddenness of it all. I want to be happy, to embrace this news, but right now, all I can think about is how complicated everything has become.

Gen's eyes search mine, her expression a mix of hope and uncertainty. She's waiting for a reaction, a response from me. But I'm struggling to find the right words. My mind is a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, and I'm not sure how to express them.

This wasn't how I envisioned this moment. I always thought that if we were to have a child, it would be a decision we made together, with intention and planning.

But everything changes when I see the tears streaming down her face and the sadness etched into her expression.

Guilt crashes over me, fierce and immediate. This isn't about me. It's not my body that's going through these changes. It's her, the woman I love, the one who will carry our child.

"Baby, come here," I murmur, my voice tender and apologetic. I reach out and pull her into my arms, holding her close against me. "Hey," I continue softly, stroking her back as she rests against my chest. "I didn't mean to react like that. I'm just... It's a shock, you know? It caught me off guard."

Gen's tear-stained face turns upward to look at me, and I'm hit with a wave of remorse at having upset her. "I'm so sorry, H," she says, trembling. The vulnerability in her eyes pierces through me, and I feel a surge of protectiveness.

"No, don't be sorry," I whisper, my heart aching. "You're pregnant, Gen." The magnitude of those words hits me all over again, but this time, the shock is softened by a growing realization. "I'm going to be a dad," I say, my voice cracking with emotion.

Tears fall down my cheeks now, matching the ones on Gen's face, as I hold her tightly. In this moment, it's not about my fears or stresses. It's about the life we're creating together, the love we share, and the incredible journey ahead of us.

As I look down at her, my heart swells with a mix of emotions – joy, anticipation, and a newfound sense of purpose. It's not just about me anymore; it's about us, about her and our baby.

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