4:42 PM

I sit behind the wheel of the car, the weight of the past five days heavy on my shoulders. The silence between Harry and me has been deafening, and I still haven't found the right words to break it. But today, I push those thoughts aside as I focus on Avery, who sits in the backseat, her eyes filled with nervous excitement.

"What if I dance wrong?" Avery's voice trembles with uncertainty, her tiny hands fidgeting with the edge of her light pink leotard.

I turn to her with a reassuring smile, my heart swelling with love. "Baby, making mistakes is a part of learning. It's how we grow and improve. Just have fun and remember that I'm so proud of you no matter what." I reach over and give her hand a gentle squeeze. "You look absolutely beautiful, my little dancer."

We walk into the dance studio, and Callie greets us warmly. Seeing her familiar face brings a sense of comfort amidst the uncertainty. Callie informs us that Avery's first class will be in studio A.

I walk hand in hand with Avery down the hallway, our steps echoing against the walls. We reach the door, and I crouch down to her eye level. "You're going to have such a fun time, Avie. Mumma loves you so much."

Avery's eyes light up with excitement, and she nods eagerly before rushing inside. I watch her go, my heart a mix of pride and wistfulness. My baby is growing up so quickly, stepping into a world of her own.

I find a seat in the waiting area, my eyes fixed on the studio door. The silence between Harry and me hangs heavy in my mind. 

It's been five days since I lashed out and yelled at him. And while I've wanted to talk to him about it, I just haven't had the words to describe how I've been feeling. Seeing Harry around the house and not feeling like I'm able to talk to him has really taken a toll on me, and I realize that we can't let this distance linger any longer.

With a deep breath, I pull out my phone and send Harry a text message. 

can we talk when i'm back?

I type, my fingers trembling ever so slightly. The seconds tick by, and just as doubt begins to creep in, his response comes through: 


Relief washes over me, and I find solace in the fact that we're both willing to work through our issues. The minutes pass slowly as I sit there, lost in a sea of emotions. My mind swirls with thoughts of what to say, how to approach the conversation, and how to heal the wounds between us.

As I sit in the waiting area, a voice interrupts my thoughts. "Oh my god, hi Gen!" a woman exclaims, her face lighting up with excitement. "I love you and Harry! Can I get a photo?"

I awkwardly laugh and politely decline her request. "Thank you so much for your support, but do you mind if we don't?"

The woman understands and smiles, nodding her head. "Oh, of course. Have a great day!"

I watch her walk away, feeling a mix of gratitude and slight discomfort. Being recognized in public is both flattering and challenging, especially when I'm trying to navigate personal issues. 

The studio door opens, and a rush of tiny dancers dressed in pastel pink flood out. Avery's eyes light up when she spots me in the waiting area, and she runs towards me, her ballet slippers echoing on the floor.

"Mumma, I had so much fun!" Avery exclaims, a wide smile spreading across her face. She recounts her adventures in dance class, her words filled with excitement and pure joy. I listen intently, my heart swelling with pride and love for my little girl.

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