Episode 3

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Quick Note first! this is literally how I picture my OC Rhea Bodt! I Don't know who the artist is but credit is not mine! for the rest of this fanfic however, I only own Rhea Bodt. I do not own the story of AOT of its characters!

〜 Season 1 〜

Year 847:

The sun was beating down with its harsh rays hitting the back of Rhea's neck, causing her to sweat from just standing still as she waited for the instructor to begin speaking.

She had been waiting for this moment for years. Both her and her brother, Marco, had always dreamed of joining the military police, although their ambitions did differ somewhat. Marco wanted to join the MP's so that he may serve under the king's command and protect the city, whereas Rhea just wanted a peaceful life filled with luxury and three square meals a day. Drool dripped down her chin from just the thought.

"Hey, mop-top!" Rhea was pulled out of her thoughts when the instructor broke the silence among the cadets. "What do they call you, maggot?"

Rhea could just make out the young cadet ahead of her. She almost burst out laughing, he did have a mop-top! Marco nudged her side, she must have made a sound or smiled.

"Armin Arlelt, from Shiganshina, sir!" Holy shit. He was there. Rhea thought.

"Wow, seriously? Why would your parents curse you with such a dumb name?" Shadis inquired, completely ignoring the fact that this cadet was there when the colossal and armored titan both attacked and breached the wall.

"It was my grandfather, sir!" Armin answered.

"Cadet Arlert! Why is a runt like you here?"

"To help humanity overcome the Titans!" He yelled.

"That is delightful to hear! You're going to be a great light snack for him!" Shadis gripped Armins head and turned him round. "Row three, about face, runt!"

Shadis continued to intimidate the cadets. Rhea believed it was a sort of rite of passage, to make sure you can handle the pressure or whatever. He probably just loves to yell at the new recruits. He probably just likes to yell in general.

After passing a few recruits, Shadis landed on another young man. "What do we have here?"

The boy molded his arms into the salute, "Jean Kirschtein, sir. From the Trost District!" Jean was just on the other side of her brother, so Rhea couldn't get a good look. And she wasn't turning her head to see - in case it would set off Shadis.

"And why are you here, cadet?"

"To join the Military Police, sir. The best of the best."

"That's nice, you want to live in the interior, do you?" Shadis' tone changed ever so slightly. Something was about to happen. Rhea turned her eyes to the side until she had a headache.

"Yes!" Jean said, a smile on his face.

Shadis head butted him and Jean fell to the ground holding his face in his hands. "No one told you to sit, recruit! If you can't handle this, Kirschtein, then forget about joining the Military Police!"

Shadis continued while Jean got up from the ground. He didn't even look fazed or humiliated.

"What the hell is wrong with your face, you smiling idiot?" The instructor directed his attention and attitude toward bright-eyed Marco. Rhea wanted to punch Shadis in the face for calling her twin names but this was the rite of passage, his words meant nothing but to intimidate.

Marco immediately saluted. "Marco Bodt at your service, sir, from Jinae. South side of Wall Rose. I am to join the Military Police and give life and limb in service to the King!" There it was: Marco wanting to make a positive impact on the world. There was no bullshit when it came to her brother, he truly was pure and optimistic at heart and wanted the best for everyone. How could two siblings, twins at that, be so different?

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