Episode 29

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The group surrounded a fire as Rhea limped into the room. Gelgar appeared to have found some wine or other alcoholic beverage just as she reached over and lightly tapped Bertholdt's shoulder. He didn't notice her enter the room, so Rhea's presence startled him when she made herself known.

Holding out her hand, Bertholdt took it in his as Rhea led him to one of the many storage rooms within the castle. She closed the door gently, leaning her weight on the wooden frame. "I always feel like I'm apologizing but I am sorry for snapping at you today, Bertholdt. We haven't really had the chance to truly talk and get to know each other during training or after, and I want to make it clear as to what you're getting into if we do this." Rhea gestured her hand between them.

"Okay," Bertholdt said, allowing her to continue.

"I don't know how things got so complicated. First off, I have always had anger issues. You got the full force of it in training. But it's more than that. I feel this burning inside, it bubbles and builds up and then I snap. I can't control it. Marco was the only one who knew how bad it was, then Jean helped me a bit. Now, I want it to be you if you're up for it. But I don't want to be some burden."

Bertholdt moved closer to her. They were as close as they were the other day in the trees. The day they almost kissed. "Rhea," he spoke softly, "you could never be some burden. I know I'm quiet and more reserved than most people here, and I'm sorry if it seems that I don't engage with you as much as I should, but I'm here for you."

Rhea wanted to break down and cry at that moment. She was happy that he could understand where she was coming from. She was happy that she was being heard.

"So, what happens now?" he leaned his forehead against her own, only an inch apart.

Rhea smiled, remembering this question from the treetops. "It's definitely tomorrow!" she connected their lips in one fluid motion as he slid his arms around her waist. She moved her hands up against his chest and continued until she found the nape of his neck and pulled him closer, if that were even possible.

"Rhea..." he mumbled against her lips, pulling them apart ever so slightly. "I need to tell you something. I, uh... I–"

"Me too," she whispered, gently pressing her thumb to his lips. "This is, we'll... I've never kissed anyone before."

His brows furrowed in confusion then a tentative smile appeared on his face, half relieved it seemed by her words. "Yeah. The kiss is what I meant." Before Rhea had time to question what other thing he was referring to, he crashed his lips onto hers, backing her up against the door frame. This kiss was more passionate than the last as he moved his way down her jaw then to her ear and finally Bertholdt found the sweet spot on her neck and sucked.

Rhea tugged at the strands of his hair letting out a low moan as he continued to move down to her collarbone and back up to her lips. With the best of her ability, Rhea lifted her injured leg up and Bertholdt immediately scooped her up, her legs now fully wrapped around his waist, deepening the kiss.

Sliding her hands down his tone chest and abdomen, Rhea desired more. She traced her fingers along the base of his shirt and felt Bertholdt's body shudder. Letting out a low laugh against his lips, Rhea guided her hands up underneath the fabric of his clothes when they heard a bang at the door.

"Hey!" It was Reiner's voice. "Stop whatever you're doing and get to the tower immediately!"

Rhea and Bertholdt quickly put themselves back together before racing up the stone steps to see what all the commotion was about. Rhea was dumbstruck when she noticed that Titans were heading their way to the tower. Her body began to tremble as Lynne explained, "I couldn't see them in the dark. But with the moonlight..."

"How can they move? This shouldn't be happening! The sun went down hours ago!" Gelgar exclaimed.

"Hey, guys. What the hell is that?!" Connie pointed to a large beast-like creature roaming in the dark. "It's got to be a Titan. But have you ever seen one that big?"

"It's got to be another Shifter!" Rhea spoke up.

"How do we–" Connie started but stopped as soon as he saw both Bertholdt and Reiner's faces. Their mouths were open a gap while their eyes were wide in shock and fear.

It was as if they were frozen in that state until Rhea shook both of them out of it. "What the hell was that about? You guys are acting like you've never seen a Shifter before!"

"It's headed for the wall!" Connie remarked, drawing all three of Reiner, Rhea, and Bertholdt's attention back toward the Beast Titan. Suddenly, their focus on the Beast Titan broke as the other Titans barrelled toward the tower, breaking into the doors and attempting to climb up the stone wall. There was a good chance a 3 or 4-meter Titan was already inside.

"Rookies! Stay where you are!" Nanaba ordered. "We've got this. Let the ODM gear do what it was designed for. Attack!" She and the rest of the leading Scouts leaped from the tower, descending into the fight.


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