Episode 26

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Hey everyone, glad to be back! hope y'all are excited for Rhea Bodt and her journey through Season 2 of Attack on Titan! Trailer in Dub is above!

〜 Season 2 〜

The rest of the 104th cadets were stationed on an outpost south of Wall Sina while the others including Captain Levi, Commander Erwin, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Jean were off fighting against the Female Titan in Stohess. It had only been a day, but still Rhea's mind worried for the fates of her friends.

The Female Titan was intelligent and a bitch at that when it came to combat. She hoped that with the help of all the Scouting Regiment and the MPs, they would succeed in taking down Annie Leonhart. At least they believed it was her, Armin had mentioned the girl's name before leaving the previous day.

Sighing, Rhea twiddled with Bertholdt's fingers while she rested her head in his lap as both Reiner and him played Chess to pass the time. Everyone around her was restless as they waited for something to do. But Section Commander Miche said the cadets had to lay low.

Glancing up to look at Bertholdt, she noticed the fixation of his face as he moved another chess piece. "You're so serious," she whispered.

He smirked and peered down to look at her, "I'm concentrating. Believe it or not, I've never beaten Reiner at chess. It's like a special talent of his." She heard Reiner move another chess piece, which caused Bertholdt to glance back at the board. Rhea could tell from the look on Bertholdt's face that Reiner was going to beat him. She laughed quietly and let him go back to his game.

"You know, my village happens to be just a little bit South of where we are now," Connie spoke up.

"Huh. The town where I'm from is pretty close by too," Sasha added.

Connie huffed, "Why can't I go see my people? Maybe I'll just sneak out after dark."

"My people told me not to bother coming back home till I'm normal, so... there's that," Sasha said, exhausted. Rhea chuckled as she rose up from her position.

"Sasha, know that I love you when I say, you'll never be normal. That's a good thing though. You make things interesting." She smiled at her friend.

"Yeah. Well, folks where I grew up always tried to tell me I was too punny to be a soldier. No question I had the brains for it. I was top ten in my class, actually. Somebody's gonna be eating their words, that's a promise," Connie stated.

Rhea placed her hand upon Connie's shoulder. "I can't wait to see you go through your growth spurt, man. Maybe you'll beat me in height one day!"

"Huh?!" Connie remarked while Sasha burst out laughing.

"Connie, I'll help you if you really wanna go," Reiner started.

Connie directed his gaze to Reiner, "Yeah? Why would you?"

"Doesn't this feel a bit strange?" Reiner asked, standing up and making his way to the window. "We're on standby in our plain clothes. They won't let us wear our uniforms. We can't even train." He has a point, Rhea thought. Why were they on standby at all? She understood why she was with her injured leg and all, but why the rest of the cadets? "What's even more suspicious: our superiors are armed to the teeth. We're inside the wall, not at the front line. So who exactly are we fighting?"

Reiner brought up a lot of good questions. What was really going on here? Connie and Sasha in their current state of exhaustion went on about bears and how they needed to be armed for the wildlife. Bullshit. Rhea soon felt Bertholdt's hand rest on her thigh. She didn't even realize she had been anxiously tapping her leg up and down until his hand stopped the movement.

Rhea intertwined her fingers with his as Sasha let out a soft groan and dropped her head onto the wooden table. But as soon as her head hit the table, she gasped and stood up in a state of shock.

"Sasha?" Rhea questioned, worried for her friend.

"I think I hear footsteps!" She explained.

Everyone in the room's attention turned towards Sasha. "Knock it off, Sasha," Reiner said. "So what, you're trying to tell us that Titans are here? Come on, that would only be possible if Wall Rose had fallen."

Sasha raised her arms in protest. "Look, I'm not pulling your leg! I hear something!"

As if on cue, Nanaba landed on the window sill with her ODM gear. "Is everyone here?"

Krista stood up slowly. "What is it, Nanaba?"

"We've got company." Rhea's grip tightened around Bertholdt's hand. How could the wall be compromised? "Approximately 500 meters to the South and closing. Titans are headed this way. There's no time to suit up with your ODM gear. I want everyone on a horse, stat! Evacuate every home and settlement in the area. Get to it!"

"The South? But that's–" Connie started. Rhea gasped, Connie's home was located in the South.

Reiner turned to Bertholdt, "Do we know if the wall's really been breached?" What did he mean? Bertholdt didn't answer, however, and just grasped hold of Rhea's wrist and led her to the stables with the rest of the cadets.

She grabbed herself a saddle and prepared her horse. She would have to ride by herself in a time like this, even though her leg was killing her. Better to be on your own horse than be a liability to another person. Bertholdt helped prop her up on the saddle and soon the fleet took off.

"The second the Titans reach the woods, we'll split up. I want four separate teams. Recruits and soldiers alike in each unit. When I give the signal, we'll scatter in different directions simultaneously. Get the word out to civilizations. Do not engage the enemy. Which one of you is most familiar with the area?" Micthe looked back.

"Uh, me!" Sasha raised her hand. "Sir, my hometown's just to the North of here! I know this region like the back of my hand! Connie, too! Go on, tell him!"

Connie's eyes were just wide in terror. "My village. My village is in the South. That's where the Titans are coming from. I can lead you to nearby settlements, but afterwards ... let me go home. Please."

"Very well," Miche said. "Guide the Southern team, then go to your village."

"Yes sir!"

"I'll come with you," Reiner said. Something was off about this whole situation. Rhea couldn't think of why she suddenly felt suspicious but she did. But this was Reiner she was talking about. Reiner, who was her friend, probably only wanted to protect Connie. She had to believe that there was nothing wrong.

"Me too," Rhea said.

"What? No, you're both crazy! They'll be everywhere!" Connie protested.

"Like you said, Connie, you're top of the class. Guess what? We are too! We can protect each other," Rhea reminded him.

"You think I care?" Reiner added. "I was gonna help you get home anyway, wasn't I?" he then glanced at Bertholdt. "What about you? You coming?"

"Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world," Bertholdt responded. His eyes held something frightful within them but still, Rhea knew Bertholdt and the rest of her comrades would be fine as long as they stuck together.

Just as the enemy reached the woods, the groups scattered. Rhea and the rest of her friends headed South to warn the people within Wall Rose and to make sure Connie's village was alright.


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