Episode Unknown [II]

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Female nurses entered the room after Rhea had scrubbed her body head to toe clean. They had clothed her in the garments Zeke and Magath had left, tied her hair back into a tight bun, then bound her by the wrists. She was led down yet another dim hall until they stopped at a steep stone staircase where they continued to walk.

Down and down they went, almost becoming dizzying from the spiral descent. Rhea felt a wave of nausea hit her after the nurses and herself finally reached the bottom of the steps. Rhea attempted to catch her breath and stop moving but the nurses harshly pulled at her chains, dragging her into a clear white room. The initial shock of the light blinded Rhea as the hallway and stairwell were only lit by torches. This room made her wonder if she was even in the same building.

The walls and the floors where all painted white which reflected the brilliant light in the center of the room. Even the furniture was colorless as Rhea observed the surgical bed, tables, and chairs. Her face paled as she stepped forward onto the cold marble ground.

The nurses jerked her forward towards the bed. Rhea was instructed to sit upon the mattress as the woman unbounded her wrists from the chains. Rhea couldn't feel relieved though since the nurses immediately tied her hands to each side of the bed along with her feet. The nurses left the room without saying a word.

Rhea let out a raw scream of despair. She tugged at the bounds, attempting to loosen their holds. A quarter of an hour later, Rhea gave up seeing as there was no use in wasting what little energy she had. At least in the cell she could curl up into a ball for comfort, but now she lay splayed open on the table waiting for the oncoming experiments doctors would perform.

She felt exposed.

Rhea gritted her teeth together as she stared angrily at the steel door before her. She didn't want to be poked and prodded for information. She wanted to be home on Paradise Island surrounded by her friends and family. She desired to be lounging on the beach with Sasha, Connie, Jean and their newfound friend, Nicollo.

Tears poured down her cheeks as Rhea jerked her head back into the pillow under her. There was nothing she could do but wait and see what was to come out of her situation.

The steel door creaked open, causing Rhea to sit up on the surgical bed. Nearly ten men in white lab coats had entered the room. They surrounded her bed, five on each side, with clipboards and pencils in hand.

A final individual breezed into the space. Rhea could tell this was the doctor who would be experimenting on her from the crazed look in his eyes. He was curious as to why her blood was the key component in the Ackerman transfusion.

Rhea shifted in the sheets as she watched the doctor peer down at her figure. He looked her up and down which caused her nose to wrinkle in disgust.

The doctor cleared his throat as he continued his examination, lifting up her arms, grabbing her chin and moving it side to side. "You're not in the best shape yet for me to conduct my experiments."

Rhea spat in the doctor's face. "I'm sorry I'm not up to your standards. I've been living in a fucking cell for god knows how long."

The doctor wiped the saliva from his forehead, "Reiner Braun had mentioned you were top in your class in the 104th Cadet Unit. I'm sure after a few months of training, we'll have you back to your old self in no time."

At the mention of Reiner's name Rhea jerked in her bounds. "Where is that bastard?!"

The doctor's smirk only grew as he saw the red hot anger in Rhea's eyes. "Oh don't you worry, you'll see him in no time since he's now been assigned to train you. Hopefully by the time we meet again your body will, what was that you said," the man rubbed his temple before snapping his fingers and getting real close to the girl's face, " 'meet my standards' ".

Rhea felt a switch flip in her mind as she head butted the Doctor in his nose. The man fell back screaming as he held his now broken and bleeding face as the other lab assistants tended to him.

"You bitch! You broke my nose!" The doctor painfully shouted through clenched teeth. Rhea only smirked as she watched the men disperse from her room.

Even though she might have seemed happy with her results on injuring the Doctor, Rhea felt a wave of anger consume her from inside and out. She was going to see Reiner again. And when she did, Rhea was going to kill him. 


Another ominous chapter updated! let me know your thoughts! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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