Episode 5

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Everything changed when those damn bells rang.

The Colossal Titan had broken the district wall of Trost and vanished without a trace. All of the graduated cadets made their way to headquarters to be divided into guards. "Out of the frying pan and into the fire, cadets! Time to put your training to work", the commander stated as everyone was running around the supply room. "I have faith each of you will be a credit to your regiment!"

Rhea's nerves were all over the place as she filled her ODM gear tanks with gas. It must have shown because Marco held her hand in place and helped her with the equipment. "Hey, it's going to be alright. Just make sure you breathe."

Rhea looked at her brother and saw the fear behind his eyes. He was scared but didn't let it show. He only smiled and then began to fill up his own tanks before leading them both to the courtyard to await further instructions. They managed to meet up with Jean who looked extremely pissed off.

"I want everyone to split into four squadrons, as practiced. All squadrons are responsible for supply-running, message relay and enemy combat under the command of the Garrison Regiment! The intercept squadron will take the vanguard. Cadets will take the middle guard, led by the support squad. Rear guard will go to the elites. I expect you all to man your posts knowing the Advance Team has been wiped out." Rhea heard the small whispers of fear among her fellow cadets. Why did this have to happen today? She was just moments away from joining the Military Police.

"That's right, the outer gate is history. The Titans are in. This means the Armored Titan is likely to reappear. If and when he does, the inner gate will also be history."

"Is this real?"

"Please be a dream."

"God," a boy on the opposite side of Jean spoke. "What if the bastards manage to bust through Wall Rose?"

"Quiet!" The commander yelled. Rhea winced. "Right. Those in the vanguard, get set. The whole area is saturated. Your mission is a very simple one. Defend the wall till the evacuation is done. Now, be aware, all of you, that desertion is punishable by execution. If it comes to it, lay down your lives! Dismissed!"

Laying down one's life is easier said than done. Rhea gulped back her fear as everyone dispersed to their squadrons. Before she left with her squad, she gave her brother a hug. "Hey, be careful."

"You too," he whispered before leading his squad in the vanguard.

"Hey Bodt," Rhea turned to see Jean approach her.

"Have a good temper tantrum earlier?" Rhea placed her hands on her hips, joking around like the good old days. That was only yesterday, but it felt like a lifetime ago.

Jean rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled, "hmm yeah. I just wanted to wish you luck out there."

"Are you worried about me, Kirschtein?"

"Don't flatter yourself, smartass. I just know that you'll be stuck with Eren and that itself is worse than being Titan chow."

Rhea laughed, looked at her best friend and embraced him. She could tell he was hesitating before wrapping his arms around her. For three years they were at each other's throats but that was all in the past. She didn't know whether or not she'd see him again.

Eventually she pushed herself off him and punched his chest lightly, "don't die, or else I'll have no one to bully."

Jean nodded, his eyes now focusing, thinking about the mission at hand. "Same goes for you, Bodt."

Rhea, Eren, Armin and the rest of their squad stood on the rooftop of a house. While the boys were talking, Rhea calmed herself and remembered all she had learned while training.

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