Episode 9 & 10

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Now on the inside of Wall Rose, Rhea and the rest of her comrades were on standby, awaiting any orders to fight. She sat by Bertholdt and across from Jean on a wooden picnic-like table. Rhea was utterly exhausted from the day before. So much had happened: Eren getting eaten, killing the three titans, killing more, getting to HQ, killing more and more and more... and then Eren is alive!

How the hell was he alive? She saw him die. Saw him get swallowed by the ugly monster. Yet he lived? It just doesn't make any sense, she thought, now leaning her head against Bertholdt's shoulder.

Rhea felt him stiffen up from her touch but eventually he relaxed and supported her weight.

"Hey, Jean! Where in the world is Mikasa?" Ymir called from where she, Krista and Connie were sitting.

Rhea opened her eyes to peer at her friend. His face displayed almost no emotion. He was probably thinking about what exactly happened the day before. "Hey. talk to us." Connie said.

Jean took a swig from his water, brushed his chin from where some of the liquid hung on his lower lip then said, "i'd tell you if I could. They slapped us with a gag order."

"Wow. You're joking right?"

Jean scoffed, "they're nuts if they think people aren't going to talk. Word will get out and when it does... Well, that is, if we survive."

Bertholdt wrapped his arm around Rhea now, pulling her in closer. She didn't mind and actually appreciated the comfort. This was a shit time to be dealing with everything. She saw Jean glance over at her and then look hurriedly away. He was now biting his lip, holding back something probably mean or sarcastic to say. Rhea didn't care however, she just closed her eyes and-


"Cannon fire?!" Reiner questions, standing up and preparing for whatever was to come.

Rhea ran out to the street to make sure she got a good view of what was happening. Smoke was emitting from where they left Eren, Mikasa and Armin to the Military Police.

"But why just one shot?" Jean asked.

"Hey, look at the smoke..." one cadet motioned to where the Titan steam was protruding. They had no idea what was going on. No one knew Eren was alive and could change to Titan form. "Its inside the wall!"

Rhea saw Reiner prepare his gear and shoot out the grappling hook, anchoring it to the side of a house. Annie and Bertholdt quickly followed in pursuit. That's odd, Rhea thought.

Right before Rhea was about to follow her friends, she told Jean to go on without her, catching sight of Marco struggling to keep Daz from stabbing himself. Daz was practically screaming at her brother by the time Rhea made her way over. He was complaining about how he saw his friends die in front of him and how he didn't feel sad or angry about it. Just relieved it wasn't him.

Rhea walked over to the two of them, Marco holding Daz in a way that didn't allow Daz to grab his weapons. Rhea slapped the kid right across his cheek, hard. A red mark in the shape of her hand appeared on his face as tears flowed from his eyes. She was angry and Rhea could tell Marco was getting nervous. But she had this under control.

"Don't be a damn coward, Daz. At least go out with a bit of dignity." Rhea adjusted the cuffs on her uniform. "You might not deserve dignity after stating you found it a relief that your comrades died and you didn't; however, that is what you signed up for when joining the 104th cadets. You signed up to fight and potentially die protecting your country! So stop feeling sorry for yourself and get a grip."

Daz shut up after that to a point where eventually Marco released him. Her brother patted her back, leading both of them away from the others for a brief moment. "You know Rhea, you sounded a lot like Eren at that moment. More violent, but well worthy of inspirational material."

Rhea chuckled, "just trying to live up to my selfless and idealistic brothers standards. But sometimes you just have to knock the sense into someone. Otherwise they might not be able to hear the wise words that others tell them."

The twins sat at the bench that Rhea, Jean, Bertholdt and Reiner had previously occupied. Combing back her hair with his fingers, Marco managed to tie Rhea's hair into a tight braid so that when the cadets needed to fight, her hair wouldn't get in the way of her sight. This gesture brought more comfort than Rhea could ever explain with words.

Ever since their parents passed away, Marco had always looked out for her, even if he was the little brother. Tying her hair back was a quick reminder of home and the safety she felt back in Jinae. The only downside to this affection was that Rhea became so dependent on Marco that she couldn't tie back her own hair without help. Sure she could clip it back, but her hair was so long now, to the point it reached mid-way down her back, that it never stayed tied back for long. She loved her hair long, and never needed to learn how to style it, so she never gave much thought to having to manage it.

"Thanks, Marco." Rhea says running the braid through her hands before tossing it back so it hit him in the face lightly.

Marco grabbed his chest dramatically, opening his mouth in a 'O' shape. "And after all I do for you!"

Rhea smiled, "its just what sisters do!"

He laughed then looked around the group of cadets, his smile fading from his face. "Hey, where's Jean?"

"Oh, don't worry about Kirschtein. He went off to check where the steam was coming from with Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie." Rhea waved off his question. Glancing back at her brother, she noticed the slight sigh of relief he let out. "Oh sorry, guess I should have told you where your boyfriend would be," Rhea whispered.

Marco immediately slapped his hand over her mouth, which she licked and he wiped off the slobber on her jacket in disgust. "Rhea! Shut up!" She had known about Marco's sexual orientation for a while now, but never had the courage to say anything to him. "Since when did you know?" Marco's face was beat red with embarrassment.

Rhea took his hand in her own. "For a while. Don't worry your secret's safe with me. But next time let me know. I mean, we are twins after all!" Marco nodded in appreciation. She held out her finger, "although, you do know that Jean is as straight as an arrow right?"

Marco rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "oh believe me sis I know. The amount of times he talks about girls is insane."

"Girls? I thought he was only into his one true love, Mikasa!" Rhea remarked.

Marco opened his mouth to speak when, "Cadets face forward! Commander Pyxis is broadcasting the plan on how to take back Trost District!"


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