Episode 54

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"That bastard!" Jean remarked as the group stared in disbelief as the Armored titan was still alive. "What'll it take to put him down for good? Why won't he just stay dead? What the hell do we do against something like that?"

"Hey, Armin. I think getting Eren out of here safely might be the best we can hope for." Jean continued. He was kneeling on the roof at this point from exhaustion.

"He's thinner." Armin whispered as he stared at the Colossal titan.


"The Colossal titan. He's gotten a little thinner." Armind stated. Rhea peered up at Bertholdt to see that her comrade was right. Armind turned his attention to the group, "guys! It's exactly like Hange said! Our best bet against the Colossal is a battle of attrition!"

"Son of a bitch." Rhea said , smiling at her friend.

"You remember her experiments with Eren?" Amrin went on. "He could only transform up to three times. If that's the case for a 15-meter titan, a 60-meter might be even less efficient. And then there's his steam. I think he must be burning through flesh and muscle tissue to produce it. Everything except his skeleton."

Jean stood up, feeling more motivated than before. "So, what are you saying?"

"Armin." Mikasa said.

"I have a plan." Armin stated. "The rest of you need to draw Reiner away. Eren and I will defeat the Colossal titan ourselves." Rhea let out a breath of relief for her friend who had found his courage and was determined to use it to better humanity. "The two of us can do it. Trust me on this."

"All right, then." Mikasa voiced, her too now standing up with resolve. "You leave Reiner to use and get going."

"Sure took ya long enough." Jean added. "You had me thinking we were all gonna die here.

Rhea chuckled before patting Armin on the shoulder. "I never had a doubt in my mind." She followed Jean and Mikasa off the roof using her ODM and zipping away to find Reiner.

"Understand? We're leaving Bertholdt to them." Jean informed Sasha and Connie as the five of them flew through the town trying to locate where exactly the Armored titan was. "We have to trust they can handle him. As for us, we need to keep Reiner at a safe distance. Fly just close enough to him to get his attention."

"Got it!" The group of them stated, seeing Reiner ahead.

The Armored titan began to sprint and for a slight moment Rhea was nervous as he approached. She gulped down her fear and tightened her grip on her blades when Reiner suddenly ran right past the group of Scouts, heading towards the wall.

"He ignored us?" Connie questioned as Rhea watched the Armored titan run through the streets of Shiganshina.

"Clearly!" Rhea shouted, annoyed at the situation. Could anything go right for them?

"Dammit! It looks like he's focused on Eren." Jean stated glancing back at Reiner.

Rhea heard Mikasa grunt before she felt a gust of wind blow past her. "Then we'll just have to kill him!" She watched her comrade strategically use her ODM gear to catch up with Reiner and blow out his knee using one of her final thunder spears. It was the same tactic Rhea used when trying to take out Bertholdt, only with the Armored titan, Reiner was taken down as his mighty body collapsed on the ground. "If we can't get Reiner's attention, we'll have to finish him off right here!" Mikasa shouted to the rest of her team. "Our job is to protect Eren and Armin!"

Rhea, Sasha and Connie followed behind Jean and Mikasa, who had taken the lead on the predicament the Scouts were in. And if Rhea was completely honest with herself, she was glad no one was looking to her at that moment to come up with a plan. Fighting and taking out titans was one thing, however; planning on how to kill them was a whole other thing entirely.

"Yeah. I know that." Jean said.

"We've only got three thunder spears." Connie added. "That's all, but..."

"We've gotta try anyway!" Sasha butted in. "Because there's no way we're gonna win if we don't fight!"

Rhea let out a laugh, confusing her comrades. It had been a while since she had shown any joy on her face. "Oh don't mind me. Just thinking about how humanity is gonna be saved by a bunch of teenagers!"

The mood seemed to brighten if only for a second before Jean explained his simple albeit brilliant plan to take out Reiner.

If the five of them were going to take out the Armored Titan with just three thunder spears, this would be the only way. Connie and Rhea had set themselves up on the houses left of Reiner while Jean and Sasha were on the right.

Rhea readied herself in order to initiate the attack while Reiner still couldn't move. She let out a couple unsteady breaths as she glanced at Connie and back at Reiner. She had to focus. This is where the battle would hopefully end.

Right here.

Right now.

Rhea latched her ODM gear onto Reiners titan form as she swung her blades in order to distract their enemy. Both Jean and Rhea would be the distracting factors of the plan since they did not carry any more thunder spears. No. It was up to Sasha, Connie and Mikasa to land the final blows on the Armored titan.

"Reiner!" she heard Jean scream as she and the others proceeded with the plan. But as soon as everyone was in motion, so was Reiner!

Jean must have distracted Reiner more than Rhea did as the Armored titan's fist made impact with a roof to his right! Reiner dragged his fist against the roof shingles, sending them flying towards Sasha and Jean!

Connie had managed to hit Reiner's jaw with his thunder spear whereas Sasha had taken a hit and missed the target! A loud explosion sound from Rheas side as she saw Connie release his thunder spear then use his ODM gear to rescue Sasha as she passed out from the attack.

Rhea zipped over to the left side of the street where the rest of her comrades were. Even though she knew Reiner's jaw wasn't broken open, she had to make sure her friends were alright.

"Jean?! ... Connie?!" Rhea cried as she scanned the roofs for any sign of him.

"Over here!" Rhea turned on her heel and saw both Connie and Sasha, who was passed out in his arms.

Rhea zipped over in a rush, "is she alive?!" She rested her head on Sasha's chest and noticed the slow movements as her friend's chest rose up and down. "Thank god," she stood up, "Jean!"

"Down here." Rhea's eyes widened as she saw her best friend sitting off to the side with a shingle lodged in his shoulder. He was bleeding heavily as Rhea ran across the roof to him.

"Oh my gods!" Rhea muttered as she finally made it to Jean's side to inspect his injuries.

"Mikasa! It's too risky!" Rhea heard Connie yell! She looked over to where the Ackerman stood, ready to take the risk when it came down to killing Reiner once and for all.

"She's gonna try?" Rhea questioned, in disbelief.

"No its perfect!" Suddenly Hange was flying through the air, thunder spear in hand as she aimed and fired her weapon at Reiners jaw. Another explosion went as Rhea gasped and watched in complete and utter shock as Mikasa took the final blow and Reiner was ejected from his titan.

Not a moment later, Rhea witnessed Bertholdt's titan plummeting down. Eren and Armin had done it. They all had. 


Please enjoy having two chapters to read tonight! I hope you liked reading about Rhea!

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