Episode 3 [II]

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"Hurry up or we're gonna be late!"

"You know you should really learn how to braid your own hair." Rhea winced as Marco pulled her long raven hair into a tight braid.

"Forget about the bun, we can't be late for training! This day is supposed to determine whether or not we are cut out for the ODM gear!" Rhea said, eager to get out of the mess hall.

"Almost there... and... done!" Rhea stood up immediately, pushing her brother off the bench as she raced out the door.

"Catch me if you can, little bro!" She laughed as she ran to join the rest of the cadets.

Marco managed to catch up, "you know I'm only 10 minutes younger than you!"

Rhea smiled but kept her face forward toward the rest of the group. "Still counts!"

The cadets were lined up facing what appeared to be a jungle gym of equipment. It was supposed to be a maneuvering challenge that allowed one to see if you were capable of using the high tech of the ODM gear. It engaged your core completely and made sure you were strong enough to hold a sitting stance whilst soaring through the air, slicing off the napes of the Titans.

"Its aptitude test time, so listen up!" Shadis shouted, getting the attention of all the new recruits. Marco and Rhea made it just in time. Marco's new found friend Jean Kirschtein saved them a spot at the front so they would have first chance at impressing the instructor. Rhea couldn't tell if she was excited or nervous, or both. "There is no place for you here if you cannot perform! Fail and be shipped to the fields."

Jean was first up. He was shaking but only slightly and that was good enough for Shadis. It seemed like Jean was going to be a capable cadet this year. A capable component.

Rhea couldn't believe the news when she learned that only the top ten cadets would be able to choose where they end up after graduating the training. Of course she wanted to join the MP's but from the looks of everyone completing the aptitude test thus far, its going to be one hell of a ride.

Rhea observed the other recruits before strapping into the gear herself. Sasha looked like she was just enjoying time on a swing whereas Connie was trying and kind of succeeding in controlling himself from falling. Mikasa didn't even need practice from the looks of it; she was a natural. Finally giving a nod to the boy behind her, the crank began to turn and she was lifted into the air.

Immediately Rhea felt her core engage as her abs tightened in her body. Other than the fact that this was considered a workout, it wasn't all that bad or hard. She smiled and glanced up to see Marco cheering her on. Heat crept up her face when she saw how happy he was for her! Maybe she wouldn't disappoint Marco her entire life!

Turning her eyes towards his friend, Jean just rolled his eyes. What's his problem, she wondered.

Cranking the wheel down, Rhea touched her feet back onto the dirt ground. That's when she noticed several recruits staring at the person beside her. Eren was hanging by his gear upside down. His face was beat red from the blood rushing to his head. "What is your major malfunction, Jaeger?" Shadis yelled. "Straighten yourself up!"

Rhea joined Marco and Jean, who was now downright laughing at Eren. Rhea nudged his arm, "why are you laughing? The kid is obviously struggling, don't make him feel worse."

Jean peered down at her. He was about a foot taller with fawn hair and chestnut eyes. "Hmmm, that's right." He rubbed the back of his neck, "we'll while you and Potato girl were running for hours, during dinner Eren went on and on about killing Titans and how he would be great at butchering them... blah... blah... blah. I don't know, I kind of thought he was an idiot. I mean why would anyone want to fight Titans voluntarily when you can live a life of luxury by joining the Military Police?"

"Maybe he should bite his tongue next time." Rhea shrugged before turning her attention towards her brother, who was now taking the aptitude test.

"You're not as positive as your brother, you know that." Jean continued to observe Marco as he made the comment.

"What about it?" She asked.

"Nothing, I just like the way your mind works." A blush crept up on her face, but this time it was a whole other reason. Shaking her shoulders, Rhea shoved the thought to the back of her mind and continued to watch her brother take the test. He looked good, steady. He'll definitely make the top ten without even trying.

Eventually, Marco completed the test with ease and the three of them went to the mess hall for dinner. They sat and ate comfortably with each other which to Rhea felt good. She hadn't felt the sense of friendship in a long time.

To her this day was a good day and a sign that things were changing for the better.


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