Episode 7 & 8

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"Hell of a speech I must say," Rhea stated sarcastically.

Jean nodded in agreement, "I was expecting something more motivational. Her way with words was kinda a let down. I blame everything about this on you Eren!"

Rhea rolled her eyes at her friend's final comment. All things considered, he shouldn't be blaming someone who just died.

"Hey!" Jean shouted, raising his sword in the air. "Don't just stand there. We weren't taught to let our comrades fight alone! Unless you are a coward in which case, stay out of my way!" He ran and jumped off the roof in pursuit of Mikasa.

"Well if we're gonna die, best do it with some dignity!" Rhea shouted jumping off the roof and engaging her ODM gear, now following her comrade and friend.

Flying through the air, Mikasa slayed each Titan that crossed her path. "Hurry up!" Jean yelled from up ahead. "Follow Mikasa! Avoid fighting if you can. Get to HQ before you run out of gas!"

Rhea noticed the change in Jean immediately and smiled. She loved seeing this side of him. The one both her and Marco knew he had. Jean is a true leader.

"Wow! Mikasa is a badass. How is she going so fast?" Connie questioned. Rhea glanced up to see it was true. She was draining all her gas!

Suddenly, the stream of gas ended and Mikasa's body slammed onto a roof and then toppled to the ground. "Mikasa!" Armin chased after, worry evident in his eyes.

"Jean! You lead the rest forward!" Connie said, going after Armin.

"Damn. I should go with them!" Jean stated.

Rhea shook her head, "are you insane? You got us this far, lead us the rest of the way to HQ! There are still Titans everywhere, we need your help if any cross our path!"

"Fine! Everyone stand by!" Jean landed on a nearby house while Rhea followed and perched herself beside him. "Its no use. Were not getting anywhere near Headquarters. Unless, of course, we don't mind dying."

Rhea was about to open her mouth to tell Jean that there is still hope when she noticed one of her comrades on the ground. She glanced back at Marco who was now seeing what was about to transpire.

Titans chased after Tom, who just stood in fear, his blades barely at the ready. "Tom! I'll save you!" a comrade from behind launched himself into the fight, followed by another.

Rhea was about to charge when Jean held her back. "Jean, what the hell are you doing? I can save them!" she couldn't let her comrades die! Not in front of her! Not again.

Tom's head was bitten clean off, while the other comrades died shortly after. Their screams would haunt Rhea's dreams for the rest of her life. She pulled herself out of Jeans grip, "what the fuck! Why'd you stop me? I could have saved them! Just because you're too damned scared, doesn't mean the rest of us are!"

"I can't lose you too!" Jean said, his eyes piercing into her own. Rhea just stood blankly at her friend. What does that mean? She thought. He stepped back, "I mean... I don't know what I mean!"


"Let's go!" Everyone turned their attention to him. "Make a break for HQ while they're distracted!" He leaped from one roof only to land on another, away from the Titans and towards Headquarters.

Rhea just stood for a moment, dumbfounded by what just happened. Marco and Sasha soon chased after Jean, followed by Annie and Reiner. Rhea felt a presence next to her. "You coming or what?"

"Ya, Bertholdt. Sorry I just needed a minute." Rhea shook her head, emptying the thoughts from her head before jumping off the roof herself, Bertholdt hurrying after.

Hooking her gear on the buildings, building up the momentum, Rhea flew through the air, propelling herself closer and closer to HQ. Turning a corner, she noticed Jean got trapped by a Titan! Quickly he flipped round and sliced off its fingers with his blades, similar to what she had done earlier that day.

Titans were everywhere, left, right in sight! Out of the corner of her eyes, Rhea could see some more of her comrades get taken out and devoured but she kept pushing. They were almost there!

One final swing, forcing herself forward, Rhea crashed through HQ's window! Covering her face from the flying shards of glass, she rolled non-stop until her back hit one of the wooden desks. Winded, but safe, Rhea let out a shaky breath.

Relief flooded through her system when she saw Jean, Marco and the others also crash into the room.

"Rhea!" her brother shouted, making his way towards her. Marco helped her up, engulfing her in a big hug.

"How many... how many of us made it?" Rhea glanced round and saw that very few of her comrades had succeeded in making it to Headquarters. Then she noticed the distressed look in her friend's eyes before he gripped hold of a boy from the supply team, holding him up by the collar then punching him to the ground.

Marco ran from her to Jean, holding him back from throwing any more punches. "Jean! Stop!"

"You cowards! You left us out there on our own! People are dead because you didn't have the guts to do your job!" Jean had a point. They failed their job, the blood of her fallen comrades are not only on her hands but theirs as well.

While the supply team and Jean verbally fought, Rhea made her way over to Reiner and Bertholdt. "You guys okay?"

"Ya, you?" Reiner said, then pointed to her face. "You got some glass shards stuck."

Rhea held her hand up to her face and twitched at the pain. She saw the worry in Bertholdt's eyes before, "Hit the deck!" grabbing hold of her, Bertholdt forced her to the ground, hovering over her, protecting her from harm's way.

Glancing up, she saw a titans head peering through the hole it made in the stone wall. Whispering thanks to Bertholdt, who now kept her close to his side, Rhea observed the chaos around her. Everyone was running deeper into the building, away from the carnivorous beasts when out of nowhere a huge fist collided with the Titans face, knocking them back.


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