Episode 13

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Crouching on the cold stone, Rhea breathed in and out, steadying her heaving chest. They had made it. All of them in her group had lured enough Titans back to the wall where they were being taken out by the rest of the Garrison Regiment.

"Oh thank God." She heard from the side. Marco came running up to her in a sprint. Rhea managed to stand just in time as he embraced her, almost taking her out in the process.

"Rhea! Do you see how many corpses you left!" Sasha blurted out, her hands on her head in pure shock on the trail left behind.

Rhea shrugged her shoulders, "what, they were getting annoyingly close to you two." She gestured her sword between Sasha and Samuel. "If anything, I helped save your guy's lives and did the Garrison Regiment a favor."

Suddenly, Connie and Annie zipped onto the Wall. Expecting to see Jean with them, Rhea's heart plummeted in her chest when she didn't see her best friend also make it to the Wall.

"Where is he?" She questioned, her hands already shaking with fear.

"Jean!" Connie called out to his squadron leader. Rhea raced to the edge of Wall Rose and saw a small figure with fawn hair running away from an eight meter Titan. "What's he doing? And why the hell isn't he using his gear?" Connie questioned.

"For the love of God! You've got to be shitting me if his ODM isn't working." Rhea spat.

Turning her head back to Marco she saw a look of pure terror plastered to his face. Casting her gaze back down into Trost she couldn't find her friend anywhere. "Where is he?"

"He ran into a building." Annie said, calmly.

Rhea stood up pacing back and forth along the Wall's edge. "We need to find him and get to him and save him. For the love of God he said he wouldn't die. And I... I believed him."

"Rhea." Whipping her head to the side she saw Bertholdt in her view. "He's going to be okay. Just breathe." he had placed both hands on her shoulders in an attempt to calm her down. But all she felt was anger bubbling beneath the surface; rage flowing in her veins. No. They would not take her friend from her. She had lost too much already.

"No! We need to go help him! Save him!" Rhea screamed in Bertholdt's face which immediately she regretted after seeing the hurt in his eyes. "I'm sorry Bear. He's just my best friend."

"Right." It was the same 'right' that Jean had said earlier. The same 'right' that sounded like disbelief. Was Bertholdt jealous? No. This is war and she was not going to let these feelings distract her. She had to go save her friend.

"Jean!" Connie shouted once again. Rhea ran back to the edge, leaving behind the awkward interaction with Bertholdt. "His gear is busted!" She could just make out Jean's figure in the distance trying to unclip a dead soldier's ODM gear to use in his stead.

Her eyes suddenly widened with fear as Rhea saw a Titan approach Jean from behind. "We have to do something!" She turned to her friends, tears threatening to escape her eyes. They were all hesitant. She gritted her teeth, "fine! I'll do it myself!" She leapt from the Wall, advancing towards her friend.

"Kirstein! Watch out!" Rhea ran quickly along the rooftops, swords in hand, ready to kill the monster. Out of nowhere, Marco zipped past her, drawing the Titan's attention away from Jean.

"Marco! Rhea! What the hell are you doing?" Jean called out.

Rhea landed beside Jean on the street. "Don't worry about us, worry about yourself! Get the gear and get back in the fight!" Flying back up to a roof, Rhea kept look out as Jean yanked the gear off the corpse.

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