Episode 52 [I]

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A piercing scream and explosion sounded in the district as Rheafound herself staring at what was left of the armored Titan. His lifeless body was sticking out of where his Titans head used to be. His face was steaming and practically gone.

Many Scouts had cheered as they took out one of Humanity's greatest enemies. Rhea however made no sound as she gazed upon the monster in front of her. She didn't hesitate to kill him. She almost chuckled, thinking back to how easy it was to pull the trigger. The thrill that ran down her spine when the thunder spear hit his nape scared her.

"We pulled it off." Jean stated, smiling down at Reiners small form. "You were a serious pain in the ass for us. Serves you right! You scumbag!"

"Jean." Rhea said, looking at her friend before motioning her head towards Sasha and Connie. The two had tears sliding down their cheeks as they held their bodies close.

Rhea had wanted Jean to stop talking but instead he had yanked Sasha and Connie up by their hoods and began yelling at them. "What the hell are you crying for? Stop! Get up! We still have work to do! Don't cry for him! He would have done the same thing to us!"

Rhea placed her hands on her hip, "Jean's right you guys. Reiner is our enemy. If we didn't finish the job he would have killed us eventually."

"This isn't over!" Hange shouted. "We'll hit him with another volley just to. Be sure!" Rhea loaded more thunder spears to her ODM gear. She was ready for the final blow when a cutting scream erupted from the titans out of nowhere!

"Son of a bitch!" Rhea screamed as she placed her hands over her ears, attempting to sound out the gut wrenching sound Reiner was making. "Use your thunder spears! If we want him dead, we'll have to destroy the whole body!"

There was no way Reiner could have survived that blast. His head was destroyed. How the hell was he even alive? "This is impossible!" She muttered observing the armored Titan.

"Hange wait!" Armin protested. "We need to fall back for now! See that barrel" Armin pointed towards the sky to which Rhea followed the direction. "I'm sure Bertholdt's inside!"

A sinking feeling fell deep within Rhea's stomach.

"If he transforms we're done for!"

"Shit! Everyone move away from the armored titan!" Hange ordered!

Rhea however, couldn't move. She stood paralyzed head to toe in fear. It was Bertholdt in that barrel. Bertholdt who had lied and manipulated her for years. Who had used her for his own sick game.

"Bodt?! Rhea!" Jean pulled at her arm but she still couldn't move. She. Stood still, staring up at the sky. The barrel hurdled closer and closer with every second. Finally she felt Jean grab her by her waist before leaping off the ledge, zipping through the air with his ODM gear.

Bertholdt didn't transform. If he had, all the scouts within the vicinity would have been killed on the spot.

"Rhea? Come on! Snap out of it!" She felt her head throbbing as her eyes adjusted to the light once again. She had completely passed out from her panic attack moments before.

Groggily she sat up, "how long was I out?"

Jean patted her shoulder in relief, "not long. Only a minute or so."

"Well, here we go." Hange stated. She was standing on Erens soldier while Rhea moved to her feet. "Our mission's primary objective just fell straight into our laps. You could call this a stroke of luck."

"Hey! Look!" Moblit gasped.

Rhea glanced toward where they had left Reiner. She saw Bertholdt making his way over to the Scouts using his ODM gear. Rhea felt as though she was going to pass out from the growing headache until Armin took control of the situation. He was trying to negotiate.

"Stop Bertholdt!" Armin cried from ahead. "Just wait a minute! We don't have to fight! Let's talk this over!"

"If I agree to talk, would you all be willing to lay down and die? We only want two simple things! Eren Jaeger, and the death of everyone in the walls! That's the harsh truth of our situation. All your fates have been decided!" Bertholdt exclaimed.

"What about Rhea's fate? If you truly cared for her, you wouldn't be willing to kill everyone she loves!" Armin shouted.

Rhea felt Jean place his hand on her shoulder. "I'm right here if you need me." Rhea only nodded before moving towards Armin and Bertholdt.

Using her ODM gear, Rhea landed on a nearby rooftop, next to Armin. She swallowed the lump in her throat before telling Armin to go. "Bertholdt." Rhea looked in his direction. "Before my fate is sealed, I want to talk."


2 chapters in one night! SLAYYYYYY

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