Episode 43 & 44

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"Okay. we should be ready to go now." Armin informed Captain Levi and the others, latching the final tank to the gunpowder barrels.

"All right then." Levi said, barely above a whisper. "Is everyone here ready?"

Rhea spun one of the daggers in her hand then gripped the hilt. She had mastered the small blade in mere days. It was no different than her sword, she thought. Just smaller. "Cause you're all about to dirty your hands." No one answered the Captain so Rhea only nodded to Levi in response. She glanced around at her comrades, Sasha with her bow and arrow, Jean with his gun, and Mikasa with her swords. They were all trained killers already. But was everyone willing to go the distance to save Eren and Historia? "Guess that's a yes." Levi concluded.

Levi kicked down the wooden door to the cavern before Rhea and the others pushed the gunpowder barrels down the stone steps. From behind her, Sasha nocked her bow with an arrow dipped in oil, lighting it and shooting it towards the barrels, which erupted in a loud explosion causing the Cavern to become black with smoke.

This would give them the advantage with their swords! The smoke would allow for the Scouts to move and kill their opponents without being seen from a distance and being shot down.

Connie, Hange and Rhea fired their flares throughout the Cavern next, creating more hassle for Kenny's men. "Thirty-five total!" She heard Levi call in the distance. "In the upper pillars! Continue the plan! We'll take them all out right here!"

Rhea along with Hange, Jean and Connie took off in a fluid motion. They scattered around the crystal pillars while Sasha watched their backs from behind, bow at the ready. Another barrel exploded from her right side. "I can't see shit!" one of Kenny's men stated. Perfect, Rhea thought as she located the man.

When flying, the gun equipment used by Kenny's men had a slight flaw. It couldn't be used to shoot and zip through the cavern at the same time. So the easiest attack would be from behind, before the men had a chance to redirect their blows! Just as she saw Jean take out one of the soldiers, Rhea stealthy moved behind a female soldier, hurling her dagger, the blade making impact with the back of her head.

From across the cavern she could just make out Sasha saving Connie from being shot. He wasn't in the smoke, he was on full display! "Connie, conceal yourself now!"

Rhea's yelling gave her location away for Kenny and his men. Out of nowhere she felt a stinging pain in her left shoulder. Turning with her gear she remembered the move Levi performed on the streets of Trost. Gritting her teeth and fighting through the pain she lodged her ODM gear into the stomach of the soldier, forcing herself forward before plunging another dagger into the man's heart.

Another weakness of their opponents ODM gear was, after firing twice they needed to reload. This gave yet another advantage to Armin's brilliant plan.

Rhea fell with the body. Blood drenched her hand where she gripped the hilt of her blade. Just before they hit the ground, she launched herself into the air, landing on the side of one of the various pillars. Grimacing, Rhea observed the bullet wound in her shoulder. She dug one of her final dagger tips into her wound, nearly letting out a raw scream in the process, digging and eventually finding the bullet. Cutting it out of her skin, Rhea ripped the bottom of her shirt, tying the cloth tightly around her bloody wound. "Son of a Bitch." She muttered when she noticed Kenny and Levi fighting in the distance.

Two of the best soldiers with ODM gear out there and of course, Levi and Kenny Ackerman are facing each other. Rhea watches from below just as Kenny manages to slice Levi's left cheek with his dagger. Rhea, glancing around frantically located a bag of fuel. Quickly grabbing the bag of fluid, Rhea shouted for Levi and threw the fuel into the air. Levi immediately grabbed it and hurled the bag towards Kenny just as the soldier fired his gun.



Rhea watched in awe as Levi emerged from the flames, facing Kenny head on and slicing through his side. Rhea heard Kenny groan from above before she took off once again to the sky, zipping and swinging between the crystal pillars.

"Rhea! Are you okay?" Rhea turned her course and headed towards Connie.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. We just need to catch Kenny now! He's wounded."

"You're wounded!" He remarked, pointing at her shoulder.

Shots sounded from across the cavern. Rhea turned her attention towards the loud bangs. Her eyes widened in fear as she saw Hange be launched across the cave, her back slamming against one of the pillars, blood staining the crystal as she eventually fell to the ground unconscious. "Hange!" Jean called from above. Even though Rhea still disliked Hange for ever thinking she could be involved with Reiner and Bertholdt, she still felt sorrow watching her Section Commander be defeated.

Gritting her teeth, Rhea watched as the rest of Kenny's men dispersed to where she supposed Eren and Historia were, while the Scouts made sure Hange was at the very least, alive.


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I love this episode so much! the fight scenes were amazing to watch!

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