Episode 24

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"Where the Hell have you guys been?" Rhea limped over from her place with Bertholdt and Reiner to where Jean and Armin were, standing by the mess hall entrance.

"Just in a meeting with the Commander. It was about the Female Titan." Armin said as the group gathered around a table.

"Yeah, we got to officially meet Captain Levi too. Wasn't that big of a deal, Bodt." Jean added while smirking.

Rheas mouth dropped a gap. "Are you kidding me? Why wasn't I invited?"

"Because you're hurt, and you're not going to be a part of this mission. We don't need you to become a liability do we?" Jean asked as he sat down at a nearby table.

Rhea plopped down her chair, across from her friend, arms folded on her chest. "This is bullshit. If I didn't save you, I'd be on this mission. Why'd you have to be stupid and go against the Female Titan one-to-one, Kirstien?"


"No." Rhea held her finger up to Jean's face, "no. you don't get to talk." Rhea formed a fist in her hand and banged it hard against the wooden table. She felt useless with her stupid limp. It wasn't fair that she had to sit out on this mission after she watched all her comrades die before her eyes. She clenched her jaw before pushing herself up off her chair and walking as best she could, out of the room.

Limping down through the hall, her head facing the ground, she didn't even notice the person she bumped into until it was too late. "Oh my God, Captain Levi - I - I'm so sorry."

He waved his hand, "no worries Miss. ?"

"Bodt. Rhea Bodt, sir."

"Oh, you were supposed to be at the meeting today too. Any reason in particular why you weren't?" He was a lot shorter than he appeared to be from a distance. But that didn't make him any less intimidating. Rhea gulped down her fear before gesturing to her leg.

"Busted my ankle fighting the Female Titan. The Doctor said it should be fine in a couple of weeks but I still need the cast."

"No crutch?" He peered down.

Rhea shook her head. "Didn't want them. I don't need them."

"Hmm. you're tough, that's good." He stated. Rhea just waited for what he had to say next. She wouldn't dare interrupt. "Same thing happened to me. Don't worry, next mission you'll be with us for sure. Just take it easy and rest."

Rhea smiled and nodded as she turned back on her heel and toward the Mess Hall. she sat back down across from Jean and beside Armin. "When do you guys leave?"

"We have to be in Stohess in two days. So we leave tomorrow." Armin said.

She looked between the two of them and finally landed her gaze on Jean. "you be careful. I can't lose you too." Tears threatened to fall from her eyes. She already lost Marco. She couldn't lose Jean or anything for that matter. "Believe it or not Kirstein, I'm proud of who we've become after joining the Scouts. We were self-arrogant assholes before. You more than me but, I digress" she chuckled as her friend smiled.

Rhea soon noticed Bertholdt's gaze from across the room. "I'm sure you'll both be fine," she said, gripping both Armin's and Jean's hands. "Look out for each other please. I'll see you when this is all over. When the Female Titan is good and dead."


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Season 2 is in the works / Coming out June 1, 2023!

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