Episode 50 [I]

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The operation to retake wall Maria had begun as the sun set across the horizon. Rhea couldn't believe that it had only been five years ago since they lost one third of humanity's land. It was discovered that day that the human race was fated to become extinct. The blade of despair had pierced the hearts of many, including her own parents. If they could reach wall Maria and take it back, all those who died in the past five years, their spirits would be avenged!

Rhea trudged alongside her fellow comrades, Squad leaders and Captain through the dark and somber atmosphere of the night. The last time she had been in Titan territory after sunset was when the Beast Titan attacked herself and her comrades at Utgard castle. A shiver ran down her spine causing goosebumps to erupt and prickle across her skin as Rhea recalled the night. Her leg was severely injured, her squad leaders had all died, and most importantly Rhea had been unaware of Bertholdt and Reiner's secret.

"I'm sorry that you got stuck with my horse." Eren whispered to Mikasa as they continued walking through the woods.

"Don't worry about it," Mikasa responded in a sincere manner. "You should be saving your energy."

"Yeah, I get it, but still."

"She's right, Eren. We need you at your best." Connie replied from behind them. Rhea lightly nudged Connie in his rib.

"Don't say his name, dumbass." Jean said, annoyance evident in his voice.

Connie lightly gulped, "sorry, I forgot."

"Act as though we're surrounded by enemies. Always." Rhea heard a loud gasp escape Jean's lips as he pointed his torch towards the trees, revealing a sleeping Titan. "Titan on the left! Everyone halt! Light up the area!"

Rhea immediately rushed to Jean's side, almost letting go of the reins to her horse in the process. "Its alright. Looks like he's asleep. Doesn't look like this is one of the new types that can move around at night." Hange chuckles. Rhea let go of a breath she didn't realize she was holding. In that moment, it felt as though everything they had worked for could have been lost. In that one moment she felt as though she was standing back on the wall watching as Reiner and Bertholdt revealed themselves and nobody trusted her. That she was all alone.

"Let's leave him be." Hange concluded. The group began to walk once again but Rhea felt like she couldn't move. In the face of danger she was willing to risk her life without a second thought but now? Why couldn't she move now?


"Tch," she glanced up, noticing Connie, Jean and Sasha staring at her with questioning looks in their eyes.

Jean held out his hand for her, "come on, Bodt. Connie can you?" Connie had already taken hold of her horse's reins. Jean pulled her to the side where the group had previously seen the Titans sleeping form. "What's wrong?" His voice was soft in the midnight atmosphere as he showed his concern.

Rhea pulled her cloak tighter around her body, feeling the warmth of the fabric engulf her. "I just have this horrible feeling in my stomach. I'm remembering that night at Utgard Castle with Reiner and ... Bertholdt. I put my trust in both of them and I was betrayed. Betrayed not only in the ways of friendship but," she sighed, "well lets just say betrayed in more ways than friendship."

Jean places his hand on the lower of Rhea's back in a comforting gesture, "you and Bertholdt and even Reiner have a more complicated past than any of us. Are you scared that when we see them, you'll hesitate?"

She shook her head, "No. When the time comes I'll execute Commander Erwin and Hange's orders. After how many people the Female, Colossal and Armored Titans have killed, how many people's lives have been devastated by them, I can't let them go free. It wouldn't be right. Countless people are depending on the Scouts to rid the walls of Titans. I have to put the lives of humanity first."

Rhea let out a shaky breath. "Truth be told, I'm scared. More scared than I have ever been in a long time. Scared not only for myself but for all of you." She glanced up now looking Jean in the eyes. "We're probably facing more than just the Colossal and Armored Titans. The Beast Titan, I know you never faced it but its strategic ability is off the charts. I just remember it firing boulders at us. One after the other, it hit the tower until it crumbled. I just can't lose you guys."

The two had stopped walking which allowed Jean to take Rhea in his arms and rub her back soothingly. Rhea quietly cried into his chest, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. "Why is it that when we are on the brink of battle we're always close and when we are safe you push me away?"

Rhea looked up at Jean, staring into his honey eyes. He raised his hand to her cheek and brushed the tears away with the pads of his thumbs. "I push you away when we're safe behind the walls because I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" Jean whispered. His face was so close to hers, Rhea could practically touch her nose with his.

She had to do it. She had to tell him how she felt. If not now then when? "Kirstein I - I'm scared of falling for you. When we're in battle I don't have to worry about feelings, I just have to worry about my comrades surviving. When we're behind the walls not fighting Titans, I'm fighting my feelings for you because I can't be with you."

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why? Why can't you be with me because gods Rhea, I want to be with you."

His eyes were pleading for the answer. For her to answer why she couldn't be with him. Taking in a deep breath Rhea finally said, "I can't be with you because of Marco."

Jean took a step back.

Her mouth felt dry as she continued. "Marco confessed his feelings for you on his last day. At the time I had feelings for you as well but I didn't want to hurt my brother so I backed off and went for Bertholdt instead. That said, it still feels weird for me to even tell you about my feelings, Kirstein, because I feel like I'm betraying my brother."

"Then why are you telling me now?"

Rhea ran a hand through her messy hair before resting both on her hips. "I don't know."

"That's not an answer." Jean stepped forward, a determined look in his eyes.

"I don't know Kirstein. Maybe its because we could die in the morning and I don't want to leave anything unsaid!"

"You know what I think?" Jean quipped.


"I do think you're scared but not about betraying Marco because let's face it, we both know he'd be happy as long as you're happy. I think you're scared because you're afraid to get hurt again. We'll guess, you can stop comparing me to Bertholdt because I'm not him. I would never hurt you Rhea."

"I see the foot of the mountain!" A soldier in the front said, causing both Jean and Rhea to jump apart. "There are signs of a trail ahead!"

Rhea and Jean looked at each other one last time before they prepared their horses and set off to Shiganshina.


Another Chapter! the beginning of the best arc! 

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