Episode 4

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Year 850:

It had been three of the best years of Rhea's life. Not only did she become friends with an amazing group of people, she learned how to control her anger, for the most part, thanks to Marco. It had been a long and difficult journey but whenever she felt the need to let go and take her anger out, training was the best thing for her. That and beating up Jean whenever Rhea wanted.

"Pick up the pace, you lead-heeled laggards!" Rhea's leather boots splashed in the mud, as she ran in the pouring rain, carrying her ODM gear on her back. Shadis' words were ever-so inspiring as she continued at the front of the group. After all that training, it turned out running was the most fun for a workout she'd ever done!

"Your boots waterlogged, Arlet?" Rhea glanced toward the back of the group to see that Armin was falling behind.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a flash of green passing her. Kirschtein!

"Hey slow poke, better catch up or you won't even make it the top fifty!" How could she let herself become distracted by Armin of all people! It was no secret he didn't excel in physical training!

Jean smirked and winked at Rhea then turned his attention back to the path ahead. Her shoulders began to ache along with her legs with the pain from carrying her gear, but no way in hell was she gonna let Jean 'freaking' Kirschtein of all people beat her in this training course.

Pushing herself to the near brink of death, or at least that's what it felt like, she managed to catch up to him just in time to equip her ODM gear on her hips and take to the sky. Over the course of training, Jean and Rhea had a running bet to see who the better cadet was of the 104th. Being part of the top ten in the division was always on their minds. Friendly competition was just a part of their banter.

After Jean she was second in the class on ODM gear. All that time with him teaching her really paid off. But he has to constantly remind her that he's 'the best of the best'. Rhea rolled her eyes as they both soared through the trees.

The Titan dummies began to appear! Rhea surpassed Jean as she held her finger down on the gas. Slicing its nape with a deep cut, the padding fell to the ground in success.

"Hell yeah! Kiss my ass Kirschtein!" She yelled.

"Think you can slice and dice, Bodt!? Watch this!" Jean whipped past her and headed toward another dummy.

Out of nowhere Connie made an appearance. Rhea watched from a nearby branch and watched Jean's smile fall from his face. "Way to lead the charge! You don't care if I steal your thunder, right?" He asked, jumping from branch to branch.

Just as Connie was about to slice the dummies neck, Sasha soared past them all and cut the nape in a blink of an eye.

"Damn Sasha!" Rhea cheered! She watched her friend fall with grace and bounce back up from the help of her gear. Her instincts are completely out of this world! "That's twice now, Kirschtein!"

"Damnit Bertholdt!" Rhea shouted as her partner took up the dagger from her yet again.

Bertholdt held out his hand and helped Rhea to her feet. He then placed the knife in her hands, "try it once more. Remember to fight without feeling. Your aggression is getting the better of you."

Rhea gripped the knife so tight that her knuckles began to turn white. "You're beginning to sound like my brother!" she ran at him and swiped her leg under his feet, tripping him to the ground. Bertholdt managed to raise up his arms as Rhea drilled the knife down at his chest. She wouldn't actually hurt him, they both knew that.

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