Episode 40 & 41

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"So, what? You're just going to do nothing about it?" Sasha nudged Rhea's shoulder whilst carrying a stack of wood back to their camp.

Rhea shook her head, "ughhh, Sasha I don't know what I'm going to do in all honesty. I still have nightmares about Bertholdt."

Sasha shook her shoulders in disgust, "yeah, I still can't believe you kissed that guy."

"At the time I didn't regret it," Rhea admitted. "I really did care for him and Reiner. And of course the first boy I kissed had to be the Colossal Titan of all people."

"Wait, Bertholdt was your first kiss?!" Sasha practically shouted as the two made their way up a steep slope. "But Rhea, you're sixteen years old!"

"And?!" Rhea asked in a weary manner. "Have you had your first kiss, Miss Braus?!"

Sasha waved off the conversation, "this isn't about me!"

"Fine," Rhea dropped the pile of logs down near the Captain and Connie. "Now that we're back, everything I told you was in complete confidence so this conversation stays between us, okay?"

"What about Connie?" Sasha glanced at her comrade who was making a snare to hopefully catch their next meal.

Rhea raised an eyebrow at her friend, "what about baldie?"

"Shouldn't he know too? About your feelings for Jean? I mean we are talking about his best friend," Sasha explained.

"You're his best friend, Sasha." Rhea began to stack the fire wood in a teepee-like shape.

"True, but I'm his girl best friend. Maybe Connie can find out if Jean likes you and-"

Rhea clamped her hand over Sasha's mouth. "No, no one can know. I just need to get over this feeling."

Sasha licked the inside of Rhea's hand, causing her to squeal in disgust, removing her hand from Sasha's mouth. "But what if he likes you back? Wouldn't it be great to see you two together? I mean you guys bicker like an old-married couple already."

"Jean and I, never going to happen Sasha!" Rhea exclaimed, continuing to build the campfire, and hoping to not be overheard by Captain Levi and Connie.

Sasha placed her hand on top of Rhea's, staring intensely into her friends eyes she asked, "why?"

"Because." Rhea gritted her teeth.

"That's not an answer, Rhea," Sasha pressed.

"Because I can't be with him!" Rhea was becoming more and more angry with the conversation now. She knew better than to confide in Sasha but she had to tell someone.


"Because I can't betray my brother!" Rhea yelled. Her eyes went wide and she immediately threw herself back into the ground, crossing her arms over her face in a sheepish manner.

"How would you be betraying Marco?" Sasha's voice softened to a whisper.

Rhea let out a shaky breath as she sat up and hugged her legs close to her chest. "The day Marco died, was the day he confessed his feelings towards Jean. I had known how he felt for a while so that's why I didn't pursue anything before or even now. Besides, I still need to figure stuff out with Bertholdt. I need to see him again and get an explanation. I need some closure before I go looking for something else."

"Captain,we bought the supplies!" Rhea sighed, turning her head to see Jean, Mikasa, and Armin make their way back to camp.

She felt a hand on her own and looked up to Sasha who held sympathy in her eyes. "I promise I won't say a thing." Rhea nodded her head in response, before pushing to her feet and wiping off any dirt she could from her cloak.

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