Episode 32 & 33 & 37

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Everything she believed, everything she had thought, it was all a lie. Eren had transformed into his Titan form where now both him and the Armored... no, Reiner was fighting on the ground. Meanwhile Rhea was staring straight forward at the Colossal Titan. Directly at the man who she thought she knew, the man she put her trust in: Bertholdt.

In the midst of action, Bertholdt had gotten hold of Ymir and some ODM gear, storing them in his mouth for the time being. Rhea didn't know whether or not the two had a plan. It didn't seem like it from how nervous Bertholdt was moments before. He was scared, and he had believed her when she said 'something bad was going to happen'. Was he trying to tell her their secret? Had he ever tried to throughout the recent time they'd spent together? Endless questions bore into her mind causing Rhea to have a dizzying headache on top of her previous injuries.

Bertholdt knocked the rest of the scouts off the wall, where luckily they used their gear to grip onto the side of the stone. Rhea could now see she and Sasha were the only ones on top of the wall and that the Colossal Titan was staring directly at her.

She didn't know what to do in this moment of truth as she stared into Bertholdt's sorrowful Titan eyes. All she felt was the pain of lies and the heartbreak of her feelings towards him. Most of all, Rhea felt white-hot anger lick her insides at the utter betrayal of her friends. The Colossal and Armored Titans both laid siege to Shiganshina and Trost, killing humanity. How had she been so blind? How had any of her comrades been so naive to trust them? Reiner and Bertholdt had caused so many hardships then infiltrated the Scouting Regiment to make Rhea and the others look like fools. Was it all a game to them? Was she a small piece of this game? Were Bertholdt's feelings even real towards her? Were Reiner's?

The Scouts began to take action against the Colossal Titan, soaring around him until they found an opening at the nape. Just before they could slice the skin, Bertholdt caused a bunch of piercing hot steam to emit from his neck, blowing back the scouts!

They landed next to Sasha and Rhea with a loud thud and began to complain about the burns left on their skin. "My hand!" One soldier grunted, holding his wrist from the burning sensation.

"Water! We need water!" Another Soldier said.

"He's vanishing!" Hange gasped, still staring at the Colossal Titan.

"I don't know," Armin spoke up. "Something's different here. The last time he disappeared, it was more or less instantaneous. He's maintaining his form to emit heat. I think he's protecting himself." Armin tried to use his ODM gear, but the wire just shot back at him. "As long as he generates steam, our rigs are useless! What do we do?"

Hange's gaze was now directed to Armin, "now? Nothing. Except wait." The Section Commander then peered down to Rhea, "in the meantime, bind Bodts hands and make sure she stays out of our way while we terminate them with no second thoughts."

Before Rhea could even react to what Hange said, two soldiers took hold of her hands and bound them behind her back, breaking Rhea away from Sasha's grip. "Hey! What the Hell are you doing?! Hange!"

The Section Commander explained, "Although I know you grew up in Jinae with your family Bodt, I don't know whether or not to fully trust you. Especially considering your boyfriend is the Colossal Titan who committed mass murder against our people."

Rhea struggled against the ropes which were now burning her wrists. "I didn't know anything! Please! You have to believe me," she pleaded.

"Until we know that for sure, we can't trust you." Hange turned her attention back towards the Squadrons, leaving Rhea in the hands of other Scouts. While her comrades went off to fight alongside Eren, Rhea was not only feeling the sense of betrayal of Bertholdt and Reiner, she felt isolated from her friends.

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