Episode 16

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It had been a week since the victory of Trost and the death of her brother. Rhea had remained in her quarters ever since they burned the bodies of her fellow comrades and Marco. She barely slept and barely ate which took a toll on her body quite evidently. When they were called in to get their ODM gear checked, everyone turned to look at Rhea as she entered the room. She looked almost unrecognizable in her state, but still she trudged her way to where her gear was and faced forward, waiting to be inspected.

Apparently, someone used their gear to kill the two Titans that were captured by the scouts for observation: Sonny and Bean as Section Commander Zoe Hange called them.

"When did you last replace your shaft?" A Military Police section commander asked her.

Staring blankly at the man she answered, "nearly seven days ago. After the mop-up operation."

"Records confirm." Another member said before the Military Police moved on to the next person in line.

From beside her, Jean stood his ground. He too had been cleared from the Titan assault. Glancing down, she saw the tight formed fist clenching at his side. Her mind flashed back to the bonfire:

It was the night after they had found Marco's corpse on the street of Trost. Rhea had felt numb as she watched the flames flicker with life from her dead comrades. Her dead brother.

In that very moment, a switch had flicked in her mind. She no longer wanted to transfer to the Military Police. Not after everything she had endured in Trost. Not after she had faced those terrifying monsters and lived. She wanted to join the Scouting regiment and serve under Commander Erwin's command! But more importantly, Rhea wanted to get revenge and kill the Titans who took her twin and only family away from her.

"Hey Ymir... you got that knife you keep in your boot?" Rhea asked her comrade who was staring at the fire next to Krista.

Ymir looked taken aback but slowly took the weapon out of her boot before handing it to the void girl. Gripping the blade tight in her hand to a point the skin around her knuckles turned white, in a swift motion, Rhea cut off her long braided hair and tossed it into the fire.

It was a symbolic death in a sense. She didn't need to be reminded every time she put up her hair that Marco used to braid it. She didn't need to be reminded even by the small gesture he used to provide for her, that he was no longer alive.

Everyone around her starred in complete shock. They didn't know what to do or say. Rhea just handed back the blade to Ymir and stuffed her hands in her pockets, continuing to stare at the vibrant flames.

At the bonfire, Jean had mentioned he'd be joining the scouting regiment. Rhea really wondered if he'd have the guts to go through with such a thing. To face the Titans again might be suicide but Rhea could no longer join the MP's without Marco. But she also could no longer join the Garrison regiment knowing that she'd be staying inside the walls while others were fighting her battle. The Scouting Regiment was the only option she had to get revenge.

Standing by the platform next to the other 180 graduates, Rhea waited for Commander Erwin to take the stage. The night had crept in faster than she had anticipated. Torches along the platform had been lit to emit some light in the pitch darkness.

Rhea observed everyone around her. They looked nervous about their decision, whereas she knew where she wanted to end up. Standing in between Reiner and Bertholdt, Rhea continued to stare straight ahead, never meeting their eyes. They had promised to protect her brother and the last time she saw Marco was with them. Both still hadn't explained the events of what unfolded and it seemed like neither wanted to.

Biting the inside of her cheek, Rhea focused on the task at hand and not the bubbling anger surging within her.

"Good evening. I am Commander Erwin Smith of the Survey Corps also known as the Scouting Regiment. Today, you will choose a regiment to join. Let's cut to the chase here, the Scouts need you. We need all the warm bodies we can get. I am sure that, after this recent Titan attack, you now know first hand the horrors of which they are capable, as well as the limits of your own abilities. However! Through this battle, humanity has gained an unprecedented advance towards victory. I'm referring to Eren Jaeger. He has proven, by risking life and limb, that he is unquestionably on our side."

No shit. Rhea thought. Commander Erwin should hear one of Eren's all inspiring speeches.

"What's more," the Commander continued. "He has helped us not only foil the Titan's invasion, but given us a way to learn the truth behind the Titan's as well!"

Everyone around her let out a silent gasp. Learning about the Titan's origins could help defeat them indefinitely.

"We have reason to believe that the basement of his home in Shiganshina houses a secret of the Titans that not even he is aware of. If we can just reach this basement, we may be able to obtain information that will help us break free from the Titan's century-long tyranny."

"The cellar huh?" Reiner questioned, his eyes bright with information. But this, Rhea thought, this is declassified information. She wondered if this was just a ploy to get people to join the Scouting Regiment.

"Before we can reach the aforementioned cellar in Shiganshina District, another problem must be dealt with. First retake Wall Maria. Of course, this is much easier said than done." A couple members of the Scouting Regiment stood on stage and unraveled a map of the walls. "Now that the gate of Trost has been rendered inaccessible, we've no choice but to depart from Calaneth District, further to the East. The entire battalion route we spent four years establishing is now useless. In one month there will be an outside scouting mission. New recruits from your class will take part in it, of which I estimate 30% will die. However, whoever prevails will have become a highly skilled soldier who can survive anything. Now having heard this dismal state of affairs, whoever still wishes to put their life on the line, remain here. But first ask yourself, can you give your heart for the sake of humankind?!"

Once again the crowd stared at Commander Erwin in complete shock. He really wanted to make sure people knew what exactly they were getting into and didn't want cowards to join his regiment. The people needed to know so they could properly choose.

"That is all. Those who wish to join other regiments may leave." He concluded.


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