Episode 17 [II]

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"I came as fast as I could when I saw the Black smoke. Nice ass for an abnormal, you got to admit." Reiner joked. The three of them were now trailing behind the Female Titan now, ready to engage if necessary.

"Reiner do you think of anything else with your head, or does your dick do all the thinking for ya?" Rhea asked, still keeping her eyes forward. From the corner of her eye she saw him smirk.

"She speaks. And no I can in fact be a romantic. But when all I'm staring at is her ass, I'm gonna comment."

"Gross." Rhea scoffed and rolled her eyes. She wouldn't admit it out loud at that point, but it felt good to be social again.

"Guys, can we focus here?" Rhea and Reiner shut their mouths. "Its not an Abnormal. Its a person controlling a Titan body."

"Wait what?" Reiner questioned.

"I'll explain in a second," Armin said. "We need to fire a smoke signal first!"

Bang! Rhea whipped her head back and saw Jean place his flare gun back in its holster. Of course it had to be him. She heard more sounds fire from the right wing and saw several yellow jets of air.

"They've suffered too severe of an attack to continue the operation?!" Reiner questioned.

"Yeah." Jean managed to catch up with the group. "Apparently part of the right wing's been wiped out by a Titan ambush. I don't know how it happened but it was bad. Sons of bitches were lightening fast! The spotters didn't have time to react. Whosoever is left is trying to hold them off but now there's no one on lookout duty. Talk about a serious setback, right?"

"That's the direction she came from..." Armin said. "Does that mean... could she have led the Titans right to us?"

"Who, her?" Jean stared at the Female Titan before them.

"Who else would we be talking about, Kirstein!?" Rhea spat. She was fed up with everyone at this point. Armin once again repeated that this Titan was actually a human like Eren who could transform. When he was explaining all of this to Jean however, his focus wasn't on Armin but on Rhea.

"Armin! This is no time to get lost in thought!" Jean said. Rhea had decided to zone out their conversation of where exactly Eren was in the formation. Right now, she could care less. All she cared about was her own ass and killing the Titan before them. "Smoke signals aren't enough to explain how much of a threat she poses! At this rate, she'll take out the command squad too. And if that happens, the formation falls apart and we all die!"

"What are you suggesting?" Reiner asked.

"I'm suggesting that from this distance we might still be able to distract her. We can buy some time for everyone to retreat. Maybe, anyway..." Jean stated.

"She's smarter than the ones we usually deal with. You can take both Rhea's and my word for it. From her point of view, we're literally just like insects. All it takes is one swipe to kill us."

Jean got a crazy look in his eye, "is that a fact? What a terrifying thought."

"Seriously, what have you done with Jean?" Reiner asked. "No offense man, the one I knew could only be counted on to look out for himself."

"Your people skills need work." Rhea grinned at the comment then mentally cursed herself. No. She could not smile at his wit when she was mad at her friend. "Believe me, I'm still all about number one." he was looking directly at Rhea now, "I just don't want to end up as a bunch of burnt bones that you can't tell which are mine."

A tear escaped her eye. "Thing is," he continued, "I get it now. I know what needs to be done if we're going to survive this fight! And last I checked, nobody forced us to take on this position! Now are you with me or not?"

There was a moment of silence. Internally Rhea was shouting that she was with him till the end but its harder to say out loud. Armin acted first, "put your hoods on! All the way, so she can't see your face! She won't try to kill you that way."

Rhea immediately put her hood up. "If she's looking for someone specific, she won't blow us down unless she knows for sure we're not them."

"Good idea," said Reiner, pulling his hood up in the process. "As far as she knows, any one of us could be Eren underneath this get up. That's actually kind of an encouraging thought."

"Not gonna lie," Jean began. "The way you always clung to Eren used to creep me out, but I always knew you were brilliant!" He clasped his hood over his head, joining the rest of the group.

The female Titan began to slow her pace, giving the scouts the opportunity to get into position. Rhea followed Jean as he pursued the left side while Reiner and Armin engaged with the right.

"Distract her for as long as possible so the platoon can retreat!" Jean shouted to her.

"Yeah, Kirstein. I was listening!" Jean just rolled his eyes at her then kissed the handle of his blade. He lept up on his horse and launched his ODM gear towards the Female Titan.

Suddenly she turned on her heel which caused Jean's gear to miss the target of her heels. He landed on the ground safely as the wind knocked back his hood. The Female Titans attention was no longer on him and instead turned towards Armin.

She slashed her arm down at Armin's horse, swiping it away with ease as Armin toppled to the ground, his gear coming off in the process. "Armin!" Rhea yelled as she prepared to take flight. But Jean was faster as his gear gripped into the Titans muscle and he soared directly towards her. The Female Titan focused on Jean and tried to swipe at him in the air. She moved so fast that Rhea's breath caught in her throat as Jean tried to outmaneuver her. Just as Jean tried to go for the Titans weak spot, the Female Titan protected her nape, leaving Jean with little to no choice in the air.

Rhea didn't know what to do. The Titan was too fast and Jean was still in the air with no escape. The Female Titan began to swing at Jean when Rhea shot up to the sky, her grip on her blade, deadly tight. She slashed at the Titans arms, making a deep cut which allowed Jean to get away safely. Rhea sighed knowing that Jean was safe but immediately realized she herself was in trouble. The Titan grabbed onto her wire and Rhea knew she was done for when:

"Avenge that suicidal maniac!" Armin shouted at the top of his lungs. This gave Rhea enough time to cut her wire with Ymir's pocket knife and fall to the ground with a thud. Rhea felt pain shoot up her left leg immediately as she put any pressure on her foot. Quickly Rhea subsided the pain when she saw Jean land behind a tree which she briskly sprinted towards, now with a limp. As she was sprinting to safety, Armin continued to yell at the Female Titan about some nonsense: What the Hell was he talking about?

Jean managed to meet her halfway before Rhea collapsed in his arms. He carried her the rest of the way behind the tree, leaning her up against the trunk. "Rhea - I..."

"Reiner?!" Rhea shouted as she watched her friend go for the Titans' nape while Armin distracted her. At the last second, the Female Titan caught Reiner in her grasp and squished his body into her palm. Rhea's mouth opened a gap since she didn't believe what she just saw. Her friend was dead and they never truly reconciled.

Jean took a couple steps back in disbelief. "Reiner... you... oh God"

Rhea wiped a tear from her eyes when she heard a mumbled shout then victorious scream as Reiner burst through the Titans hand, blood splattering everywhere. He quickly scooped up Armin as Rhea hopped onto Jean's back, both pairs making as much distance as they could away from the Female Titan as possible.


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More chapters coming Friday!

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