Episode 42

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The Scouts surrounded Captain Levi as he read the letter Hange handed him. "And there you have it. The coup was successful. Premier Zachary now has full control of the Capital and Government. For the time being at least, the nobles seem to be staying in line."

"Okay," Armin spoke up. "But what about the incident with Mr. Reeves?"

"We got a public confession out of the Interior Police. Reeves' son Flegel really pulled through for us. It's all written right there. The abuse of power, the bogus charges against the Scouts, and that King Fritz was both a puppet and a fraud." Hange detailed. "It's clear that we only acted in self-defense. In short, we're no longer criminals."

Rhea looked up from the paper, a smile forming on her face as she took in all her friends' reactions. Everyone jumped for joy and cheered in response to what Hange had said. 'No longer criminals!' this is what freedom feels like, Rhea thought as she felt the tingles of happiness flow through her.

"Hey. Stop cheering and saddle up." The group immediately quieted down after Levi spoke.

"I have a hunch as to where Eren and Historia are." Hange stated before hopping into the wagon she brought. "We must leave now and hurry. If my hunch is correct, tonight Eren will be devoured."

There wasn't any time to waste as Rhea and the rest of her comrades saddled up and hoisted themselves up on their horses. She rode behind Connie and Sasha and the rest of Hange's squad throughout the grassy hills, checking and making sure her daggers were all strapped to her hip. Hopefully ten would be enough to face the threat in their midst. Hopefully ten would be enough to save Eren and Historia from terrible fates.

"Are you really going to use those on them?" Connie asked, riding beside her. But when he questioned her, his eyes weren't focused on Rhea's face but her hips. Where the daggers hid beneath her cloak.

"Kenny Ackerman and his men killed plenty of our soldiers. I'm just willing to even the battlefield. Get it in your head Connie. These people took our friends and want to kill Eren and Historia. I'm not going to force anyone to become a killer, to get blood on their hands. I won't judge you for that, so please don't judge me for doing whatever it takes to get our friends back." She gripped the horse's reins tighter in her hands, riding now ahead of her comrades and towards Reiss' chapel. 


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Short but sweet chapter!

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