Episode 52 [II]

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"I never thought I'd see you again," he stated, standing before her on the shingles of the roof.

Rhea found it hard to stare at the man before her. Bertholdt seemed to be suffering the same. She shuffled on her feet before finally finding the courage to speak. "You used me. You tricked and manipulated me for years and caused me so much pain." Her voice wavered as she spoke. It was almost difficult to find the correct words.

His eyes changed in a heartbeat when she spoke. They turned from shame to sorrow in mere seconds. "Rhea, I know you probably won't believe me when I say just how sorry I am that I–"

"Lied to me?" Rhea's voice was harsher now as she looked at Bertholdt through glossy eyes. "Do you know how much you hurt me, Bertholdt? Do you know how long it took to start trusting people again? Everyone thought I was on your side. The enemy's side! I had to prove to everyone I was a Scout, I had to prove my worth to my friends. I almost lost everything because of you."

"I lied to protect you!" Bertholdt said, his voice rising.

"You lied to protect yourself!" Rhea realized that she was crying now. Tears ran down her cheeks and fell onto her cloak. "Why? Why did you do it? Why did you use me? Was I just a mere pawn in your game of war?!"

Bertholdt was silent for a moment. It looked as though he was contemplating what to say. Rhea anticipated another lie. Just one more to add to the never ending pile.

"No. You were never a part of the plan, Rhea." His voice was soft as she stared at him. Her heart was pounding so fast that she was sure it would give out if he didn't continue speaking. "I never saw myself falling for the enemy. For an Island Devil. Annie and Reiner both warned me of the consequences if I got too close to you. I... I didn't listen."

"Was it real then? Any of it? Or was it all just an act?"

"Of course it was real. So real in fact that I wanted to bring you to my hometown. What we had, what we felt for each other, I wanted to tell you about who I am. I tried the first time we kissed."

Rhea felt like someone had punched her in the gut. He wasn't talking about his first kiss when they were together in Utgard Castle. He was going to tell her about being the Colossal Titan. Realization and revelation must have shown on her face because Bertholdt was approaching her hesitantly.

"Rhea, I am sorry for lying to you. For betraying you in every way. But I'm not sorry for having feelings for you." Rhea glanced up at Bertholdt. He was peering down at her as she was gazing up at him. He looked like the same guy she had fallen for. Appearances though can be deceiving, because she was not the same person he once knew. She had finally gotten answers, at least enough to move on. Now she could continue with the mission.

"Bertholdt..." he took a step closer. "I want you to know that at the end of all of this I truly did care for you. I could have even loved you." He wiped a tear from her cheek, his eyes shining bright with pain. Rhea delicately placed her palm on his skin, caressing the side of his face, drawing him in. Her other hand stealthy wrapped around the hilt of her dagger, "but as it stands, if it's going to come down to you versus the people I call family," quickly she plunged the knife into his stomach," I'll choose my family."

Bertholdt stumbled back in complete and utter shock. Rhea let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Her heart beat rapidly as she watched Mikasa appear and go in for the kill. Bertholdt, however, managed to maneuver around Mikasa's attack, using his ODM gear to flee from the Scouts entirely.

"Rhea?" she heard Mikasa speak up. "He must have expected an attack. What happened?"

"I stabbed him. I stabbed him in the stomach. Fuck. We have to go. I thought it would kill him but now he has an injury in order to transform."

"I don't think Bertholdt intends to do that just yet." Armin had appeared beside Rhea. She didn't know whether or not he was listening to her and Bertholdt's conversation. Either way, Rhea broke all ties with Bertholdt now. "He must've seen how badly wounded Reiner is. Transforming now would probably kill him. Our best bet is to take Reiner hostage and fight Bertholdt with our blades."

"That'd make sense, but...from the look of him, it seemed like he had a plan," Mikasa stated. "And not only that. He seemed more determined than before. Almost like an entirely different person."

Rhea finally spoke up, "because he is. At that moment he knew I wouldn't go with him. He knows now that there is no hope. Nothing to gain and therefore nothing to lose."

Armin stared at Rhea until something bright flashed in the sky. "He's transformed!" Mikasa yelled.

"Go!" Rhea screamed as she, Armin, and Mikasa leaped off the rooftop and propelled themselves away from Bertholdt.

She looked back one last time before hooking her gear into the stone wall of a house. The air tore at her skin as Rhea tried to remain upright. Many houses shattered into rubble while debris flew past her in shambles. She saw the explosion through the hot wind and knew that the battle was just beginning.


been awhile guys but I wrote another chapter! this battle is just beginning! I cannot wait for you guys to see what I have in store for the ending and for season 4 

Hope you enjoyed reading! PLS vote and comment!

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