Episode 51

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Rhea watched as the Armored Titan climbed Wall Maria. "Hange, why doesn't he have us attack? What's he thinking?"

"The enemy prepared quite the welcome." Hange responded. "He's watching their movements for now. Erwin doesn't want to act until he understands their strategy."

The Beast Titan pounded its fist into the ground while the rest of the two - three meter Titans charged towards the Wall, going after what Rhea assumed to be the horses, since that would mean taking out the only way they had to travel home.

"Get ready," Hange said, "multiple two-three meters approaching!"

"Levi Squad and Hange Squad! I need you to take down the armored Titan! Employ the thunder spears at your own discretion. Do whatever it takes to achieve your objective! This is our moment, our chance to strike. The fate of human-kind depends on this battle! Lay down your hearts and lives... one final time, for humanity" Commander Ewin stated.

Rhea leaped off the wall heading into the town of Shiganshina, following in pursuit with Hange's squad. The plan was simple: lead Reiner's titan away from the horses and into the center of town to fight and take down.

Watching as Reiner and Eren fight in their titan forms from afar, Rhea glanced down at her arm where Hange's new technology was strapped to her gear. A thunder spear is what it was called. Capable of taking out the armored titans hardening abilities. It would cause the skin to crack at the nape before being able to remove the person from within and kill them on sight. Hange may have been relatively insane but with her insanity came its brilliance.

"Rhea, there's one more element of the plan we left out." Armin spoke up from beside her. They were currently located on a rooftop in the village square.

"What are you going on about, Armin? You told us the entire plan right?" Rhea turned to face her comrade, a nervous look in her eye.

Armin looked as though he gulped down his fear before revealing another element of Erwins plan. "Eren not going to be the only distraction against Reiner and Bertholdt."

"What the Hell does that mean?" Jean questioned, worry evident in his voice.

"It means that when Bertholdt shows up, Commander Erwin is banking on the idea that Rhea can distract him, given their past, if anything goes south."

Rhea almost collapsed to her knees. This is what the commander had in store for her? This whole time she was going to be a mere distraction for a boy who used her. She gritted her teeth, "we don't even know if Bertholdt had feelings for me. He could have just been using me that entire time. I don't know for what but surely Reiner and Annie wouldn't let their comrade fall for the enemy."

Armin sighed, "that may be true, but Erwin thinks its still worth a shot."

Rhea glanced back at her friends. Mikasa kept a watchful eye on Eren while it seemed like Sasha and Connie were trying to mind their own business but were listening intently. Finally when she stared at Jean, Rhea could see the anger flaring in his eyes.

Suddenly the earth trembled causing the tension in the air to dissipate. Eren's titan body had been slammed into the ground by Reiner's. The armored titan had pounded Eren's head against the Earth until the ground split in two.

"He needs our help!" Mikasa said, hopping from one rooftop to the next. Eren let out a scream informing the group he was alive.

"Not yet," Hange exclaimed. "Everything rides on our first attack! We need to wait and trust Eren to give us a good opening."

Rhea shook her head vigorously, trying to focus her mind on the mission. All she had to do for the moment was take care of the armored titan. Nothing more. She jumped off the rooftop and followed Mikasa and the others, preparing herself for battle.

Eren had managed to kick Reiner off him, tossing him across the courtyard. No time seemed better to make a move. Letting out a scream, Rhea launched her thunder spear at the armored titans' nape after Mikasa and Hange blinded Reiner. Her spear made contact with his skin, along with many other's weapons before she pulled the trigger line. Using a thunder spear posed a threat to the individual who used it, therefore she had to find a structure to hide behind so as not to be in the blast zone.

Rhea maneuvered herself with her gear, landing hard on one of the roofs, behind a chimney pillar.

"Good! We've got him!" Jean called out. "The spears worked! The armor on his neck is in splinters now!"

Connie landed beside Rhea in complete disarray. "Woah, it really worked?" He questioned.

"We can actually do some damage!" Sasha shouted.

Rhea stood up from her position behind the pillar and moved towards her friends. She peered down at the armored titan. Once she had called him friend before figuring out he devastated the town of Shiganshina and lied to everyone about his true identity. He killed so many people, her parents included among many. Rhea had to remind herself of these facts before she would take his life.

"Do it again!" Hange yelled. "You each still have a thunder spear. Use them to end this!

Rhea heard Connie and Sasha gasp from beside her. "But its Reiner." Sasha mumbled.

"Come on guys!" Jean encouraged through gritted teeth. He too was hesitant to finish off Reiner. "We said we'd do it if it even came down to this!" He was now staring at Rhea intently. Her face had gone stone cold blank. No emotion was shown.

"Jeans right." Rhea finally spoke up. "The Reiner we knew no longer exists. This is the man who slaughtered countless civilians."

"Let's go!" Jean led the charge as Rhea and the others jumped off the rooftops and positioned themselves behind Reiners nape. One after the other, thunder spears stuck into the split skin.


wow! Another chapter done!  

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