Episode 49

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"Come on! You've been eating your meals in here for the last three days. Enough is enough, Rhea!" Connie threw a pillow at the girl's face as she laid face up on her bed.

"Yeah. Stop sulking Rhea. it's not a good look for you." Sasha added.

Rhea huffed before moving into a sitting position on her mattress. "I swear to God you two are super annoying!" Sasha helped Rhea up off the bed before advancing towards the girls closet.

Opening the doors Sasha began taking out Rhea's clothes and placed them on her bed. "Sasha what the hell?"

"Oh come on! You know you can't just wear the same clothes over and over again. Throw something on, maybe a sweater?"

Rhea's eyes widened as she saw her friend grasp the green woolen fabric from a hanger. "No!"

Sasha immediately raised her arms up in surrender, "What? Did I do something wrong?!"

Rhea pushed her friend aside to inspect the sweater. She ran the soft material through her hands before she lifted up the fabric to her nose, taking in a big breath. Hmmm. It still smells like him. "Sorry, Sasha. I didn't mean to yell." Turning around, Rhea held out the sweater for the two to get a better look.

"It was Marco's, wasn't it?" Connie inquired. Rhea only nodded. She was about to place the sweater back into her wardrobe when she stopped herself and tossed it over her head then shoulders.

Closing the doors lightly, Rhea smiled while looking between her best friends. "It seems like a waste to never wear it again." Sasha and Connie stayed quiet, most likely unsure of what to say. "Come on, let's go eat."


"This may be a special night, but we don't need the public knowing our plans. So behave like the disciplined soldiers you are."

Rhea was practically drooling as much as Sasha was. Meat. Real meat on their table before them. "Am I dreaming?" Sasha questioned, raising her arms to her head in disbelief.

"All right. Here's to the retaking of Wall Maria! A toast!" everyone around the hall cheered as they leaped across the table to have the sweet sensation of meat touch their tongues.

"Hey, a piece that big counts as two!"

"You're crazy!"

"Well, I'm worth two of you on the battlefield, so I think I should get your portion!"

Rhea had only glanced away from the meat for a single second to hear everyone bitch about portion sizes when she noticed the plate in front of her was empty. Her eyes widened when she saw Connie holding Sasha in a chokehold as Jean tried to pry the meat from her mouth. It was truly an insane sight to behold.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, potato girl?" Jean yelled as Sasha tried to push more of the juicy food into her mouth. "No way are we gonna let you pull this shit!"

As Rhea observed her friends, a smile crept onto her face. This reminded her of the days they were back in the 104th cadets.

"Drop the meat, Sasha. Come on, I really don't wanna have to kill you." Connie, pleaded.

Finally Jean got the meat free from her jaw, "you can't eat the whole thing alone, you pig!" Rhea laughed looking at Armin then back at the trio. Suddenly Sasha bit into Jean's hand causing a slight gasp to escape his throat. "Ah! You're eating me! My hand, my hand!" Jean wailed like a girl as Rhea burst out laughing, hard.

"Sasha! That meat is Jean!" Connie tried reasoning with her. "We don't eat our friends, okay?!"

"What, does the Scout Regiment never get any meat?" Marlo asked while chewing his own food. Rhea was about to respond when Sasha punched him in the nose, clearly in a daze of hunger.

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