Episode 4 [II]

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Of the original recruits, 218 cadets graduated. Some with the distinction of honors, including Mikasa, Rhea and even Jean. The three of them all excelled not only in physical training but in the classroom as well.

The cadets who were graduating lined up waiting for the new instructor to state his speech. "Do you have heart?"

Everyone saluted in sync. "Sir!"

"As of this moment, you have three options open to you. Choose wisely. The Garrison Regiment, whose job is to reinforce the Walls. The Scout Regiment, who ride out into Titan country to take back what was once ours. And the MP Regiment, maintaining law and order under orders from his Royal Majesty. Those cadets eligible for the MP have already been named. The rest of you take a look, these are the top of your class: Mikasa Ackerman, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Annie Leonhart, Eren Jaeger, Jean Kirschtein, Marco Bodt, Rhea Bodt, Connie Springer, and Sasha Braus!"

After the ceremony, a huge party was held in celebration for the 104th cadets. Rhea overheard some of her friends like Sasha and Connie be super excited about joining the MP's. Sasha was going on and on about the fact they had three square meals a day and Rhea couldn't blame her for one minute. They had made it!

Rhea took a sip from her drink as she sat across from Jean. "How in god's name did I rank under Eren?" He muttered.

"That Kirschtein I cannot tell you. Maybe its his drive that got him ranked higher. But honestly who cares at this point." Rhea leaned forward, mug in hand, a smile plastered on her face. "I mean, we made it, didn't we!"

Jean cheers to her mug, "I guess you're right, Bodt. Hey, who knew we could agree on something?" he smirked. Rhea just stuck out her tongue in response. Even though the two bantered like this, they truly were the best of friends. Well them and Marco, of course. Who else would put out the fire when things got too heated?

"Are you insane!" Everyone in the hall grew silent at Thomas' words. What the hell was he and Eren talking about in a time of celebration? "How many people have died? We're talking a fifth of the population! If that doesn't paint a picture for you, I don't know what will. This is our life now. We can't beat them."

"Yeah? So what?" Eren spoke up. "We buckle? Take it all lying down? Things have changed. Maybe not a hell of a lot but enough. They aren't the mystery they were five years ago. There's still a long way to go but we've made progress. Every battle we lost taught us a lesson, gave us the tiniest inroad toward something like hope. Are you telling me it's better to cut our losses? Let all the death and destruction be meaningless? Just to ball it up and accept it? Not on your life! Humanity's future lies outside the walls, and I'm going to clear the way! I'm gonna take back what was ours! I'll drive them out. And as long as at least one of us can say that, we're not done."

Eren ran out of the hall and both Mikasa and Armin followed after. Rhea couldn't help but feel some of his words resonate within her. But she was joining the MP with her brother and best friend. She was going to live a safe and comfortable life where no one else would be taken away from her like her parents.

Rhea took another sip from the mug before standing up. "You know, the one good thing about that kid is his determination and his way with words. So in summary, two good things."

Jean scoffed, "glad you can do basic math, Bodt."

Rhea rolled her eyes, "hmmm, i'm going to go say congrats to the rest of our comrades. You can sit here and wallow by yourself."

Rhea saw Reiner and Bertholdt across the room, lingering in a corner talking amongst themselves. She didn't want to intrude or bother them until Reiner waved her over, smiling and bright-eyed as he did so. "Hey guys, congratulations! Top three in the class, pretty impressive!"

"Thanks, kid. And congrats yourself. Still going to join the Military Police?" Reiner asked.

Rhea nodded her head, "mhmm. Marco and Jean and I will definitely be joining the MP's. What about you guys? Have you decided where you'll end up?" Rhea looked between Reiner and Bertholdt, waiting for one to answer.

She glanced back at Reiner who usually responded in larger crowds. But it was Bertholdt who spoke up, "we haven't made a decision yet."

Rhea again only nodded and smiled. "Look guys I understand this is a tough choice and I hope you don't take this the wrong way whatsoever. But I think you should join the Scouting Regiment. I mean it would be wasted potential for you both to be behind the Interior Walls. Plus Reiner, people respect and follow you. You're a natural leader. And Bertholdt, your skills at hand-to-hand and ODM are amazing! I'm not saying this to get rid of you guys, because believe me its nice have friendly faces in new places, but still..."

Reiner clasped Rhea on the back and laughed wholeheartedly, "the same could be said about you Rhea."

"Awe Reiner, I didn't know you could be so sentimental with all that muscle." She poked him lightly.

Bertholdt smiled and Reiner just smirked, "only for you, kid. Now I'm going to enjoy some more food before Sasha eats it all!" With that Reiner leaves both you and Bertholdt alone. Rhea glanced back to Jean to see that Marco had now joined him, his smile shining so bright. She was happy that she and her brother were going to be safe in the Interior for a long time.

"What did I say, I told you you'd make the top ten." The brunette smiled, peering down at her short frame. Once again they were left alone, and once again Rhea didn't know how to feel about it.

"Ah, yes. Thank you for letting me punch the living crap out of you all these years. Truly the best training partner I could have asked for." She joked, keeping the mood light. Rhea took a sip of her tea, "you know Bertholdt I never asked this all these years, but why are you so quiet with everyone but me? With the exception of Reiner of course, you guys are practically brothers."

Bertholdt glanced down at the ground as Rhea noticed a slight blush creep its way onto his cheeks. "I only talk to people I find interesting."

Rhea was about to respond when Marco came over to them and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Can you believe it, sis! MP! We did it!"

She chuckled and pushed Marco off her, "yes we did you weirdo!" just one more day she thought. One more day until her and her friends are safe behind the walls of the Interior. Hugging her brother she glanced at Bertholdt who was staring at her with a shy smile.

Her face betrayed her and the emotions she felt rose to the surface. A blush had formed, heating up her face. Today was a good day, but tomorrow will be a great one.


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