Episode 16 [II]

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A bunch of her comrades including Annie decided the Scouting Regiment was not for them. People brushed past Rhea as they hurriedly walked into the safe life of the Military Police and the Garrison regiments.

There was no going back on her decision to join the Survey Corps. Not after losing Marco. Tucking back her now short hair [Ymir's length] behind her ear, she watched as nearly one hundred cadets left her side. "And I ask you. If you were ordered to die could you do it?"

"We don't want to die, sir!" someone in the crowd shouted.

Erwin bowed his head then looked directly at the cadets. "Of course. Let us hope that you don't then. You who stayed, are now one of us. Allow me to welcome you to the Scout Regiment! This is a genuine salute! Together we give our hearts!" Erwin placed his right fist on his heart where shortly after the cadets followed in unison.

"Yes sir!"

Their training began in earnest the following day. Rhea still hadn't been social with her friends since the night of the bonfire. She hadn't said a single word since she asked Ymir for the knife.

It was Sasha who ended up trimming and styling her hair to a good length because after Rhea had cut the braid off, her hair was a little lopsided. Sasha had explained that by living out in the woods you had to learn how to do many things, even how to maintain hair. Rhea could tell her friend was trying to make conversation but she still felt so numb inside she didn't see a point.

They had saluted and listened to Section Commander Ness go on about how his horse Charrette made him bald earlier than he had wanted. "But that's life," he explained as he continued teaching how exactly to ride a stallion. Apparently Erwin's entire plan hinged on a special long-range formation which they would learn about over the course of the next month before the expedition took place.

The rookies, AKA Rhea and her fellow comrades would be positioned between the wagon defense squad and the scout support squad. Safe enough inside the formation but still far enough out to spot oncoming Titans.

Heading back after the first day of lessons, Rhea heard a familiar voice call over to the group. "Hey, Eren!" Connie called after.

"Long time, no see!" Sasha added, excited.

Rhea was about to turn on her heel and continue to her quarters when someone gripped her jacket. "You're not gonna say hello?" Jean asked her. Tilting her head back and sighing, she allowed Jean to lead her over to the group and to Eren.

"Then just Jean, Annie, Rhea, and Marco joined the Military Police?" Rhea stopped in her tracks. She hadn't heard her brother's name in a week. She hadn't realized Eren still didn't know what happened.

She felt Jean's arm wrap around her waist in a firm yet endearing grip. Eren turned around, hearing the shuffling of feet behind him. His eyes widened in shock at Jean and Rhea, the last people he'd probably thought he'd see there. "Wait, you too?!"

"Marco is dead," Jean said in a hushed tone. His eyes darted to Rhea then back to Eren. "I wish I could tell you he died nobly or heroically, truth is, I don't even know how he went out."

Rhea looked up and saw Bertholdt staring at her with fierce intensity. She wanted to know exactly what happened and he and Reiner were the only ones who could tell her.

"He died alone," Jean continued, now tightening his grip on the small of her back. Even though the gesture was sincere, Rhea still felt uncomfortable with the conversation. But Eren needed to know, and now he did. "There was no one there to see it happen."

Bullshit, Rhea thought. She bit the inside of her cheek drawing blood. Only Marco could calm her down when she was this angry but he was dead and never coming back.

"Hey! Gather round, rookies!" Section Commander Ness called out to the group. "Your uniforms are here!"

Unfolding the cape and draping it over her shoulders, Rhea finally felt the weight of her decision to join the Survey Corps. She was no longer tied to the life of luxury she could have had and no longer tied to Marco. No. The moment she decided to join the Scouts was the moment Rhea decided that if she couldn't get revenge on the monsters that took her brother away, she'd die just like him.

Walking back to the compound felt like a longer trek than usual. Maybe it was the added weight of the cloak or Eren's stares as she made her over to one of the various crates in the cellar of headquarters.

The rookies found it necessary to catch up with Eren and see exactly what Erwins plan is going to look like with Eren in the formation. In the class lesson today they knew little to no location of where Captain Levi's squad was going to be held. "Are you guys really...?"

"Yes. we're taking part in the upcoming operation too," Mikasa answered Eren. Rhea crossed her legs on the crate and rested her head up with her arm.

"Hey Eren," Jean started. "I heard that while you were in your Titan form, you intentionally tried to crush Mikasa. Mind telling us what's that all about?"

Eren was about to answer when Mikasa spoke up, "you're wrong. He thought he was just swatting a fly. Noth-"

"I wasn't asking you." Jean interrupted. "Oh by the way," he gestured to his face, "that cut on your cheek looks pretty deep." Mikasa tried to hide her scar but it was a permanent reminder of what Eren truly could be capable of. "Just how did you get that again?"

Rhea yawned as the three continued to talk. Apparently Eren doesn't remember ever hurting Mikasa which begged the question, could they trust him in Titan form? He did seal the gate so maybe its just first when he transforms he has to gain control, Rhea thought.

Jean turned to the rest of the rookies. "Hear that, guys? Sounds like this is the current situation. Our lives and the lives of humankind rest on his shoulders. We'll probably end up just like Marco too. Dead before Eren knows it."

Rhea shot up from the crate and stormed out of the cellar with probably everyone's eyes on her. How could he say that?! How could he even say that with her there. What a friend he is. He's probably rubbing his forehead cursing himself right now.

The rest of the month was silent between Rhea and her friends. She felt more isolated than ever but she didn't exactly go out of her way to say 'hello' to anyone. Tomorrow however would be a new day. A day of which she could exact her revenge or die. A day in which her destiny would be decided for her.

The 57th Expedition.


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