Episode 11

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"A strategy to reclaim Trost? Are they kidding?

"What's the Commander thinking?"

"Its a damn suicide mission"

"The only option is to defend Wall Rose. Forget plugging the hole!"

"I can't... I can't go back!" Daz whispered in fear beside Rhea and Marco. Everyone in the crowd was frightened of the Commander's plan. Even Rhea herself felt uneasy, yet she stood her ground, prepared for any order Pyxis threw her way.

"We'll die! We're all going to die!" Daz screamed out, clutching his head in his hands.

"What the hell, Daz? Calm down!" Marco said.

"Stop shrieking like a coward!" one of the Garrison soldiers walked over to Daz. "Are you thinking of abandoning your duties?"

"Sir, please!" Daz glanced up to the man, "there's no point in just sending ourselves off to die!" He argued. The Garrison soldier gripped his weapon. Rhea didn't move from her spot, just turned her eyes enough to see the events unfold before her.

"What about your obligations as a soldier for the good of humanity? Or do you prefer I cut you down right now as an example to your comrades?"

"Do what you have to do! I'll take it over being eaten by a Titan!" Daz cried.

Marco now gripped his shoulders, "get a hold of yourself!"

"Let go of me! Let go! I'm not going back to that Nightmare!" Daz screamed. Rhea observed the rest of her comrades; their minds were being swayed by Daz's nervous breakdown.

Glancing at Jean through the crowd of people Rhea just sighed in annoyance which was directed towards Daz. Jean was about to copy her expression when others around him began freaking out, drawing his attention away.

"If you're gonna kill me, just get it over with!" Daz screamed again.

Rhea elbowed Daz in his gut, "oh my god, Daz! I want to kill you! But enough is enough! You're scaring everyone and its not helping with our situation or morale. Just shut up and await the Commander Pyxis' orders."

"ATTENTION!!!!!" The Commander shouted from the top of the wall. Everyone in the crowd quieted down, now paying full attention to the man in charge. "Take note, the blueprint of the Trost Recovery Operation is this: our primary objective is to reseal the hole. Yes you heard right. Once more it will be done manually."

"What! That's impossible." Marco said. But it wasn't. Not with Eren's ability to transform into a Titan.

"As for how the task will be done," Commander Pyxis continued, "that's where this fellow comes in. allow me to introduce Cadet Eren Jaeger. Don't let appearances deceive you. This young man is the successful product of cutting-edge research. Fantastic as this may sound, Cadet Jaeger possesses the ability to manifest himself as a Titan. Having assumed Titan form, Cadet Jaeger will hoist the immense boulder on his back and seal the hole with it. And this is where you all come in. Your duties are to protect him from other Titans."

"Are they saying we finally have an advantage?" a guy whispered beside Rhea. She observed him, full on Garrison soldier, sweat bedding off his face and dripping onto the ground. He was scared too, like everyone else. It made Rhea feel a bit better about herself knowing a guard is fearful of what is to transpire.

"They're lying!" Daz cried out yet again. Rhea swore to god that she was about to lose her shit on her comrade as the anger started boiling up inside her. "You can't expect us to die for some godforsaken reason!"

Around her, Rhea began to hear everyone mumble words of question and fear. Not too soon after that, people began walking away from the wall and from the fight.

"So help me God, I'll execute you on the spot," a guard said, trying to get a hold of Daz.

"To hell with you," Daz responded, "My family gets the time I have left."

Something in Rhea snapped. "Not everyone here has a family Daz! My parents are dead because they went to fight for humanity even when it was hopeless. They fought so Marco and myself could live! Don't you get that! Even if you die, you can still save your family! Isn't that worth it? If your death could make a difference for humanity?"

"Anyone wishing to leave will be given by my orders not be charged with treason!" Commander Pyxis shouted from the wall. Marco gripped Rhea's shoulder lighty, turning her round and embraced her in a hug. She immediately calmed down and let out a shaky breath.

A lot of people, including Daz, left the rest of the crowd, heading back to their families. Whatever, Rhea thought.

"Now, think back to four years ago. Namely, the operation to retake Wall Maria. I bring it up because you all deserve to have your suspicions confirmed. Officially, we labeled it reconnaissance. But in fact, it was little more than an exercise in population control."

Rhea gritted her teeth. Her parents died for population control? You've got to be shitting me.

"We let ourselves believe a lie because the deaths of our fellow human beings allowed us to survive. Pure and simple. The guilt is ours, we share the blame. We have a debt to pay back humanity. The citizens of Wall Maria survived due to many casualties. But what about this time? If Wall Rose succumbs, the repercussions will be immeasurable. The resources within Wall Sina cannot support half of those who live there now. Humanity will be wiped out not by the Titans, no no. We will kill each other. If the line isn't drawn now it won't be drawn at all. If we must die, let us die here in battle!"

Rhea gripped her brother's hand and gave him a reassuring nod. If this was it, she was glad to have Marco by her side.

"Just focus on luring the Titans to our corner of town!" one of the section commanders called out. Rhea and the others hung from the wall, using her ODM gear, being a part of the decoy team. Their job was to keep the Titans away from Eren as he went off to seal the gate. "Avoid unnecessary battles!"

"You know Kirstein, this is kinda boring." Rhea said to Jean who was hanging beside her.

"Oh ya," he chuckled, "not being eaten is incredibly dull. Should we go lower and tease them more?"

Rhea smiled as she gestured her head towards the beasts below, "by all means oh wise leader, show us how its done."

Jean was about to retort when a spark of lightning hit down in the district. Eren had transformed.


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5 more chapters will be posted on Monday! 

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