Episode 55 [I]

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"Stop whining, Kirstein!" Rhea grunted as she pulled out the shingle from her friend's shoulder.

"I'd like to see you handle a freaking roof getting thrown at you." He said through clenched teeth as Rhea managed to dislodge the tile and throw it aside.

"I don't have any bandages or wraps." She groaned, throwing her head back after she looked through her jacket.

Mikasa patted Rhea on her shoulder before handing her some bandages. "Thanks," she said, unwrapping the cloth.

"Don't mention it."

As Rhea took the time to wrap Jean's shoulder and make a splint, Hange and Mikasa had tied up Reiner and inspected his clothes for anything that might be of use to the Scouts. She stared and stared and stared at the guy she used to call a friend and even a brother. Facing Bertholdt was one thing but Reiner had been someone she had admired, had wanted to be like as a soldier.

Rhea didn't realize how distracted she had become by the enemy until she heard Jean let out a soft 'ow' in response to how tight she was bandaging him.


"Its okay."

Rhea took a seat beside Jean and rested her head on his good shoulder. She glanced over at Connie, who was taking care of Sasha while Hange interrogated Reiner, who seemed to have woken up from his unconscious state.

"Reiner," Hange started, "what's this metal case we found in your left breast pocket?" Their section commander kneeled in front of the steaming boy, holding up the case in curiosity. "Before we closed in and chopped off your limbs, you used what strength you had left to grab at it."

Rhea observed Hange as she continued to talk to Reiner. She didn't tell the group what had happened to her squad. Only that she was the last one left standing, and not altogether due to her eye being injured. She most likely would need an eye patch for the rest of her life.

"So what's inside? Suicide pills? A bomb?"

"It contains two letters." Reiner whispered.

"Letters?" Hange questioned, confusion sounding in her voice. "What does it say?"

"One is for Krista. Ymir wrote it. The other is for Rhea."

Rhea sat up at this statement. A letter for her? Who had written it? Why was it written?

"Whatever you do with me, just make sure they get to read it." Reiner spoke soft and slow.

Getting up off the ground, Rhea made her way towards the broken bodied man. She kneeled before him like Hange and pushed him against the wall. "Why is there a letter for me? Huh? Who wrote it?"

"Rhea!" Hange yelled, completely shocked by her outburst.

"Shut up!" she knew she would pay for that later but she had to know. "Who wrote it!"

"I did." he responded.

Rhea tried to hold back tears, "why!"

"To make sure you knew the truth."

"The truth about what? What are you talking about, Reiner? Spit it out?" her grip became tighter to the point her knuckles turned white. She felt her nails dig into his skin as she waited for his response.

Hesitantly, Reiner spoke up. "Marco's death."

Everyone fell silent. Rhea couldn't tear her eyes from Reiner but she could feel everyone's gaze boring into her back. She felt her heartbeat quicken as Rhea let go of her grip on Reiner and found her blade. Drawing out her weapon in a flash movement, Rhea slammed the metal against his throat to which he coughed up blood.

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