Episode 38 & 39

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On the way into Trost, Rhea tried to contain herself as she listened to Jean rant about how stupid he looked in the wig. He had explained to Rhea that he also had to wear it when commencing the Female Titan mission back in Sina's district. But right now, Rhea really wasn't listening to a word he was saying as her smile grew bigger and bigger and-

"Ahha! I'm so happy right now!" She burst out laughing at her friend whose face was now in shock at her outburst. "You look like your mortal enemy and you let Levi put that wig on you!" She whisper-yelled, clutching her chest tight, while light tears formed in her eyes.

"Oh- shut up, Bodt!" his face began to turn red with anger as she and the group continued walking down the streets of Trost.

Rhea patted his shoulder, a smirk appearing on her face as she pointed out, "you know, Mikasa will drool over you now, like you've been drooling over her these past three years! The downside is that you might need to wear that wig in bed," she winked.

Jean's eyes widened as a blush crept its way up his cheeks, turning his face a bright shade of red. "Just focus on the mission, Smartass!"

"Hey, keep it down back there," Captain Levi demanded. "Try not to walk clustered together. We'll stand out. Eren and Historia just act normal."

"Do you really think we can pull this off?" Jean asked, clearly frustrated with his apparel.

"In all honesty," Rhea breathed, "It won't be easy, but I am hopeful." Rhea watched as lines of people formed, waiting for the rations the King promised each year. These people were starving from the lack of food that used to be provided by farmers in Wall Maria. Once they took back those lands, everyone would prosper again.

"Behind us! Look out!" Captain Levi shouted. Rhea was pushed out of the way while Jean and Armin, disguised as Eren and Historia, were taken by people in a wagon.

"Those bastards are running off with Eren and Krista!" Sasha yelled, playing the role she was assigned.

Rhea followed after Mikasa, using her ODM gear to track exactly where Armin and Jean ended up. She peered through the window of an abandoned building, watching as Armin was being petted by one of Reeve's comrades. The thought of the assault made Rhea's stomach churn.

"Make sure the building is clear when I get back. No mercy," Mikasa stated before heading towards Levi. Rhea nodded and quickly drew her swords. Sneaking through the window, undetected, Rhea began to take out the guards one by one. As soon as she knocked out the one who was pawing Armin, Rhea holstered her weapons.

"What a perv. I'm sorry you had to go through that, Armin." Sasha and Connie made their way through the window and positioned themselves above.

"Thank you for ending it." Rhea kneeled before Armin and wiped the tears from his eyes. She couldn't imagine the torment he'd been through.

"You alright there, Kirstein?" Rhea secretly gestured to the wig, smirking.

"Listen, Smartass. If you've got something to say..." Jean was cut off by Mikasa entering the building.

"They're coming." Mikasa stated, concealing herself behind a wooden crate.

Before she went to hide behind the variety of crates, Rhea stopped and untied the knots which bound Armin and Jean to the chairs. "We might need the extra manpower," she whispered before dispersing. Rhea hid behind a wooden crate, right next to one of the guards she knocked out, waiting for Reeves's arrival.

"You're sure about this?" Reeves questioned while he sauntered through the room. "These are the two we're looking for?"

"Yes. They fit the descriptions we were given to a tee." One of his men answered.

"Where's the guard?" Reeves demanded. Mikasa suddenly jumped from her hiding position, knocking two of the guards out. Jean and Armin bolted from their chairs, immediately tying the passed out soldiers up. Just before another guard came after them, Rhea kicked the man in the gut, grabbing hold of his weapon, now pointing the gun at him.

"Connie!" Mikasa started. "Are these four really all of them?"

Connie poked his head out from the ceiling. "Yeah, that's all. No one else in the area."

Sasha shot her bow and arrow at the man Mikasa pinned down! He was about to shoot the gun when Sasha's arrow landed in between his finger and the trigger.

"Move again and you won't like where the next shot hits." Sasha stated, nocking another arrow.

"Nice shooting, ace!" Rhea called from below. Sasha's face flushed scarlet in response.

"All right! First, we get these guys secured. Then we meet up with the Captain." Mikasa rose.

Rhea furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?" Armin questioned.

"Those are his orders. He left a message, too. Titans aren't the only monsters we're going to face in this life. Make sure to be on guard for people too. Kill or be killed."


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