Episode 45 & 46

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"What the Hell do you mean I'm staying out of this fight?" Rhea sat up straighter in the wagon as the rest of the Scouts dismounted from their horses. They had entered Orvud District where Commander Erwin was waiting for them to explain his plan. "If Hange's fighting I don't see why I can't!"

"Quit your whining, Bodt!" Jean helped her down from the wagon. Even though she was still feeling pretty woozy from the lack of blood in her system, it didn't mean she wanted to miss out on another fight.

"A couple stitches and I'll be as good as new. Captain Levi sir! I want to fight," Rhea pleaded.

"Oh good, you're awake." Levi strode towards the two Scouts. "Jean take Rhea to the doctor to get her patched up. We need every soldier to fight, assuming the doctor clears you."

"Captain, do you really think its a good idea to let her fight with such an injury?!" Jean tried to reason with Levi.

"If Hange's not missing out I don't think its fair for Rhea too either." Levi nodded towards Jean and winked in Rhea's direction. "Oh and Jean, explain what Erwin has planned for Historia on the way there. Catch Rhea up to speed."

Rhea grimaced one last time as the needle pierced her skin while the doctor finished stitching her up. "You've got to be kidding me? Historia as the next Queen! She just got out of her family situation."

Jean chuckled as the doctor cleared Rhea and the two of them began to walk to where Erwin and the rest of the Scouts were waiting. "She says she'll do what's right. And right now Historia needs to be queen. But she intends to go out with a bang. So she's joining us on this mission."

"Oh and you're okay with Historia going on this mission but not me?" Rhea rolled her eyes in annoyance. She didn't like having everyone think she was weak.

"I just don't want to see you get hurt, Rhea." Jean stopped in his steps, just before the room where Erwin and the others resided. "Its like you're always careless when it comes to yourself. You constantly put yourself in harm's way; by saving me you injured your leg, by saving Historia with your injured leg, you now have a limp, and then when we saved Eren and Historia, your shoulder is now wounded."

"Hange got injured too!" Rhea countered, her voice beginning to rise from Jean listing off things she had done to cripple herself.

Jean ran a hand through his hair, frustrated with the conversation at hand. "That's not the point, Rhea. The point is you never think about yourself when it comes to battle and its scary when fighting alongside you. I never know if you're going to make it out alive!" He was gripping her shoulders now, his eyes filled with worry and compassion and fright. His grip was firm yet soft, as if she were some delicate piece of art that he might break at the slightest shift.

"Why do you care what happens to me so much?" Rhea's voice was barely above a whisper. Her face felt hot as blood rose to her cheeks from the way Jean held her so close. "And don't say its because we're comrades and not because we're best friends. Give me some damn clarity of mind as to why you're always more protective over me than the others!"

Jean backed away, his hand rubbing the back of his neck, clearly frustrated with all her questions. "I'm protective over you because I have feelings towards you."

Rhea's eyes widened in shock as her heart began to race with trepidation. She stumbled back, not entirely knowing what to do nor say. She had longed to hear those words yet she knew the cost of hearing such things would mean only pain and suffering. If she let Jean in and confessed her own feelings she would be betraying Marco, but if she didn't she might lose her best friend. Her chest began to constrict as it formed a tight knot above her ribs. "I - uh... Kirstien," she stammered.

Jean looked her over and Rhea noted his hesitant movements towards her. "Rhea, I... I just needed to tell you. This doesn't have to change anything. Once we go back in that room we can forget I ever said anything."

Rhea locked her saddened eyes with his. "I don't want to forget. But there are more complicated things at hand here than this. I do care about you Jean, I just... Love is a bloodsport during a time like this in a world such as our own. We both can't afford to fight in war when we're constantly looking out for each other. I'll always have your back like I know you'll have mine. But until we find a way to kill all the Titans, I think its best we remain friends and comrades."

He cupped her chin in his soft hands, tracing the outline of her face with his thumbs. "Its okay." He pulls her in for a hug and immediately Rhea is surrounded by Earthly aromas and the comfort of her dearest friend.

"We have determined the Titans location. Its Southwest approaching Orvud. It's fast. At this rate, it'll reach the walls before dawn."

Rhea and the rest of the Scouts resided in the Commander's office. She stood beside Sasha and Connie, needing to keep a bit of distance between her and Jean. She told him that love is a bloodsport in war, which meant she confided some of her feelings towards him. However, she didn't let him know the entire truth about Marco. Rhea sighed, knowing she'd have to have the conversation with Jean sooner rather than later. But for now she listened to Commander Erwin relay his plan on how the Scouting Regiment was to face Rod Reiss.

"The people of Orvud District will need to stay exactly where they are."

"The Titan is an abnormal," Hange explained as everyone else in the room gasped from disbelief. Letting the people of Orvud stay in place as bait instead of getting them out safely sounded appalling to anyone. "It behaves strangely. Unlike most Titans we encounter, its only attracted to large groups of people. Hence the word 'abnormal'. Put simply, given the choice between a few soldiers right next to it and a distant but densely populated city, it'll choose the city."

"If we're to stop this thing, it'll have to be outside the walls of Orvud District." Erwin stated. "For that to happen, we require the citizens here to act as bait. However, this doesn't change the fact that our first and foremost duty as soldiers is to protect the people. We'll announce a district wide evacuation drill tonight. The people will be gathered away from the outer wall, ready to escape if the battle is lost. If the cannons don't seem to work on the Titan, the Scouting regiment will throw everything we have to kill it."


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