Episode 58

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This letter may come as a surprise to you but I beg that you read it in its entirety.

Our mission from the moment we stepped foot on Paradise Island was to obtain the coordinate or as you call it here, the Founding titan and kill all humanity within the walls. That's the rough truth of the matter.

We were told that this Island was filled with wretched Devils who deserved to die for the uprising they tried to commit against the rest of the world. Being a part of the Eldian bloodline myself, I wanted to prove that I was better than the rest of the Island devils. I needed to prove my worth not only for myself but to my warrior comrades, high ranking officials and my family. However; that all changed when we met the people within the walls.

I gave Annie the order to remove Marco's ODM gear as I held him down so he couldn't move. He had overheard the secret conversation I had with Bertholdt and in fear of our cover being blown, I thought it was best to silence your brother and have a titan kill him. As I watched your brother being eaten alive, I asked myself why Marco was in that situation to begin with. I flew in rage and killed that titan, but it was too late.

You probably don't want to read about me losing my mind, but I was soon unable to cope with the guilt I felt regarding my actions as the Armored titan. I suppressed my memories of where I had come from, across the sea, trying to escape into my new reality. I grew to develop relationships with my comrades, with you Rhea, as I became very fond of the friendships I made.

At the end of the day, the past is in the past and there is nothing I can do to bring Marco back. To say that I wish I could undo my actions is an understatement.

I did not write this letter in a way for you to forgive my actions. They are unforgivable. I just wanted to let you know the truth of what happened with your brother.


"Son of a bitch!" Rhea crumpled the letter and threw it across the room. She got up from her bed as an intense feeling of distress coursed throughout her body. She felt an ache build in her throat as she threw up the continents of her stomach on the floor before grabbing her pillows and sheets and tossing them around the room, screaming at the top of her lungs.

She leaned against her bedroom wall until she fell to the floor in a fit of unbearable, emotional, pain. Rhea cried into her knees as she folded herself into a ball on the ground. She wailed and cried until she could no longer mutter a sound.

Rhea hadn't realized she had fallen asleep until she woke up in her made up bed and room. She sat up and glanced around, noticing how everything was put back to the way it was. The floor had been mopped and the room smelt of fresh flowers. Turning her head she spotted a pot of roses next to her bed, resting on her side table, while her best friend lay asleep on the chair next to it.

Rhea observed Jean as he slept. The slow movements of his chest, the way his face was scrunched up in worry, even when he was sleeping. The way the light hit his face as his head rested back against the wooden chair.

Quietly, she rose from her bed and walked over to the washroom, washing herself up before making her way back into her room where she now eyed Jean's standing figure.

"Did I wake you?" Rhea asked, holding her towel tightly around herself. Her cheeks flushed red when Jean turned round and took note of what she was wearing.

He rubbed the back of his head, trying to look anywhere but at her. Rhea giggled as she maneuvered herself to her wardrobe and took out some pants and a plain shirt.

"No, you didn't." Jean explained as he peered out the window while Rhea made her way back in the washroom to change. "The sun did."

Rhea buttoned her pants and pulled down her navy blue shirt. She hadn't recognized it when she took it out of her wardrobe. "Yeah, I saw it hitting your face but you looked so peaceful in your sleep that I didn't think you would wake up from it."

Jean glanced at Rhea, who was now fully dressed and sitting on her bed. She sat there awkwardly until she finally asked, "did you find me like that?"

Jean only nodded. Rhea patted the bed next to her, inviting the boy to sit down. She saw he was wearing his regular green button up shirt along with their uniformed pants. He must have passed out after cleaning up after her mess.

"Did you read the letter?" He hesitantly sat down and turned his body to face her.

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear Rhea sighed and dipped her head up and down. "Did you?" she questioned, looking into his soft honey eyes.

"Its your letter, Rhea. Not mine." Jean shook his head.

"You stayed here all night?" she questioned, curious of what his answer would be.

"I had to make sure you were alright," he answered, honestly.

Tears streamed down Rheas face. She thought about how she wasn't doing alright. How she wasn't good, and how she never would be knowing what happened to Marco. Jean brought her into his chest, her tears soaking his shirt, as he held her, stroking her damp hair, until she stopped crying.

Pulling away Rhea slowly gazed up at his face. It held worry, sadness and empathy for the girl before him. Using his thumbs, he brushed and wiped the salty tears from her face. His fingers were ever so gentle as he did. His grazes sent shivers down her spine as the two continued to stare at one another. "Jean?"

He cupped her warm face in his palms causing her breath to quicken as well as her heartbeat. "Hmm." Her gaze left his eyes as she peered down to his lips and back up.

"I'm scared of screwing this up." She brought her palm to his neck, as her fingers tangled in his hair.

He pressed their foreheads together, resting them on one another, both of their eyes closed. She felt his hot breath against her skin causing goosebumps to erupt down her neck and arms. She was nervous as a fluttering feeling was felt deep within her stomach. "Me too, but by the gods, Rhea. Let's take this leap of faith."

The point of no return, Rhea thought, as she surprised even herself when she leaned in and kissed Jean.


She had captured his soft and warm lips with her own which stunned Jean at first but quickly he recovered as he drew her in even closer. Rhea faced her body towards his and hooked her legs around his waist as Jean brought his hands from her face to her back molding their bodies against one another, as the two melted into each other.

Their kiss was slow at first but then grew more heated, more passionate, with every second that passed. Rhea gripped fistfuls of Jeans shirt as her hands traveled down from his nape to his chest, latching onto the lightweight fabric. His hands rested on her hips then soon trailed up and under her cotton sweater, his fingers lightly brushing over her bare skin.

She felt her lips exploring every crevice of his as they devoured each other, tasting and lapping and grinning into the kiss. Her skin was buzzing as the two broke away smiling and breathing heavily.

"No regrets?" Rhea stared down into Jean's loving eyes. She moved her hand up to his face and brushed his cheek as she watched his eyes close and lean into her touch. This was her comrade, her best friend and now more. With clarity of mind Rhea lightly kissed Jean once more in a slow and deep consuming way.

"Not a single one," she whispered against his lips before wrapping her arms around his strong shoulders, embracing Jean as he embraced her. 


Finally!!!! OMG Such a Slow burn! Letsssssss GOOOOOOOO!

Hope you enjoyed Reading and listening to the song that inspired it all!

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