Episode 59 [II]

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Some time had passed as Rhea and the others went on with their lives trying to figure out better ways in which to remove Titans within Wall Maria. Hange eventually developed what she called an 'Executioner from Hell" which crushed Titans day and night, like that of a guillotine.

"This way, we can draw in the Titans without having to be in harm's way. This will limit the casualties of war while ridding the wall of Titans."

Months after the winter season, when the snow started melting, the military formally announced that Wall Maria had been cleansed of Titans at last. By the time the elevators on Trost's walls were freed for use, and work had begun on paving the main road, there were flowers in bloom and butterflies dancing between them.

Maria's refugees were finally permitted to return to their homes roughly a year after what had been called "humanity's first victory" in Trost. And so, six years after the Colossal Titan's first devastiving attack... the Scouts resumed their expeditions, exploring the world beyond the walls once again.

Rhea had been sitting in the graveyard since early that morning. It had been a whole year now without her brother and still the pain of Marco not being with her made her heart hurt.

She stared at the engraved headstone which laid next to the other 104th cadets.

Here lies Marco Bodt

Member of the 104th cadets.

Soldier, son, brother.


"Can't believe I'm older than you now, Marco." Rhea sighed as she leaned back on the grass. "I hope that when I see you in the next life, I'll be 16 again. Not old and wrinkled while you're still young. That would be unfair to me I think." she chuckled, trying to make light of the situation.

Crossing her legs, she sat up and played with the grass by her feet. "Jean got me a present for my 17th birthday, even though I expressed that I didn't want to celebrate one without you." She pulled at the chain from around her neck and opened the bronze locket. "But how could I refuse a beautiful gift when it has a drawing of you in it."

Tears spilled down her face as she peered down at the drawing Jean had made for her. Now you'll always have Marco by your side. He explained when giving her the gift.


Startled, she looked back to see Sasha in her ODM gear standing behind her. Rhea let out a breath before getting off the soft grass. "Time to go?" she asked, as she fastened her gear back round her body. She had tossed it to the side when first arriving at the graveyard.

"Yup," Sasha wrapped her arm around Rheas shoulders as the two set off on the Scouts next expedition. They were looking for the wall where people of Eldia were transformed into Titans. Eren's father had explained in his books and informed the reader of where to find the port in order to explore the outside world.

Both Rhea and Sasha made their way to the elevators of Trost where their horses were waiting for them, already equipped with a saddle and reins. Once on the other side of the wall, Rhea met up with her other comrades. She smiled at Connie and waved over to Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. When her gaze fell on Jean her smile grew ever wider as she ran up into his arms where she was embraced. He swung her around before planting a chaste kiss to her lips.

Sasha and Connie made smooching sounds behind them while Mikasa and Armin tried to avoid looking at the scene whereas Eren just groaned out of disgust.

"How was Marco?" Jean asked, ignoring his friends' reactions and focusing solely on Rhea, concern laced in his voice.

"Good. I told him about the locket." She smiled as she noticed his cheeks redden with heat.

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