Episode 46 [II]

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Dawn broke on Orvud District as the Scouts and the Garrison Regiment lay in wait for Lord Reiss' Titan to appear. In the vast distance, Rhea could make out the wide expanse of the Titan slowly clawing at the ground, driving its body against the dirt and stone, hopefully destroying its skin in the process.

The cannons fired, one after the other, attempting to create a dent in the Titan's skin, but to no avail. "The cannons aren't strong enough to penetrate its nape," Rhea muttered, tightening her ODM gear as she prepared for the Scouts to take over.

"Looks like the field canons are even less effective," Erwin stated.

"Makes sense," Levi agreed. "The cannons on the wall have a way better angle, and they didn't do shit to it either. What's the problem?"

"Unprepared soldiers, scraped together cannons, and shallow leadership," Erwin concluded. Rhea bit her tongue to keep her from laughing at a time like this. But everything the Commander was saying was true. With Orvud District being a Northern territory, they lacked proper strength in case of a Titan attack.

"Erwin! I brought the goodies!" Hange said, her arm in a sling as she approached the Scouts. Rhea felt a slight twinge of pain from her own shoulder when she noticed Hange's injury. Maybe she should have listened to Jean and stayed out of this battle before she could hurt herself even more. "All the gunpowder, ropes and netting I could find! We still need to put it together, though."

Rhea couldn't help but smile at Hange's excitement. Say what you would about how crazy she was, Hange had a brilliant and enthusiastic mind. "So. We do any damage?"

Levi turned to Hange, "imagine a swarm of cicadas pissing on it." Rhea had to bite back her tongue at that point. Even though the situation was dire, Levi and Hange made a hell of a duo.

"Captain Levi. Jean. Sasha. Rhea. Connie. You handle that side." Erwin directed the Scouts to the other side of the Titan.

"Yes, Sir!" Everyone said before running off along the stone steps of the wall. They had to make it to where the other contraption was which Hange created, and prepare to launch it at Rod Reiss if need be.

Rhea watched closely as the cannons reloaded and adjusted their aim as the Titan lingered just below. Loud booms exploded not a moment later, sending piercing echoes of sheer determination to kill the monster that was Rod Reiss. Just as she peered down at the Titan, noticing that the cannons had finally peered through its flesh, a wave of hot steam shot through the air, causing Rhea to jump back from the heat.

"So hot!" Connie cried out.

"Damn it. That's just our luck," Levi muttered. "The wind must've shifted."

"Rhea?!" She heard Sasha call from above. Rhea slowly sat up, holding her now throbbing head. "Where are you?!" Gritting her teeth, Rhea rose to her feet and assured her comrades she was fine and that the blast just thrusted her back.

"Holy shit!" She exclaimed. Once she was finally to her feet Rhea now could see, fully well, Rod Reiss' hand emerge from the steam and make impact with the wall. Stone and rocks went flying everywhere, crashing down into Orvud District! They had to do something soon, otherwise the District would become compromised.

Using what appeared to be every bit of its strength, the Titan itself stood erect. From dragging itself across the valley of Wall Maria, the Titan had torn off its skin, leaving nothing to the imagination of what lingered beneath. There were no eyes, just the sockets themselves, along with there being no nose and just a wide chasmic gaping to the back of its throat. Erwin's gamble had paid off. The Titan couldn't be in a more compromising position for their plan.

Soon enough, the Titan's intestines also came undone. From the lack of stomach skin keeping everything in place, his guts fell onto the wall, knocking out several of the Garrison Regiment in the process.

"Hey kid." Rhea glanced over toLevi and the others who were now rolling out the water barrels. "Come drench yourself in water. We don't want you getting burnt out there."

Rhea's gaze landed on Jean as she watched him pour the cool water on himself, soaking through his white shirt which allowed her to see the muscles under— "what the hell!" She cursed now angrily staring at Sasha who had just drenched her with a bucket of water.

"What!" Sasha raised her hands in defense. "I could have sworn I saw drool, so I thought it best to chuck a bucket of water on you. Just being a best friend!"

Rhea pointed her finger up at the smirking brunette. "If we live through this, I'm going to kill you."

"Would you two stop bickering and get into position," Jean yelled, looking the two up and down before heading to Hange's contraption. She hadn't noticed that he approached them until Jean was literally two feet away. Sasha got into position, waiting for the red flare to soar in the sky before she would release the barrel of gunpowder, aiming exactly for the Titan's hand. Sasha, out of all of them, being from a background of hunting, was the natural and obvious choice for this discretion.

"Are you ready to finish this?" Jean whispered as they both saw the red flare shoot through the steam.

Rhea gripped her ODM gear triggers tight. "Oh yeah, Kirstien. I'm ready to fly."

The titan collapsed to the wall as its hands were blown away. Step two of Erwin's plan had succeeded and all they needed to complete his plan was for Eren to follow through on his part.

Hearing Eren's Titan scream, Rhea prepared herself for the explosion. Once Rod Reiss' Titan ingested the large amount of gunpowder Eren sent down its throat, Rhea and the others would need to slice up the remains of his Titan body so that Rod Reiss wouldn't be able to regenerate.

Rhea shouted with excitement as she leaped off the edge of the wall, using her ODM gear to direct herself away from the large explosion of burning skin. Eren had done it! He had run at full speed and swung the net of barrels into the Titans mouth!

Through the air, Rhea continued to zip, slicing and cutting through every piece of flesh she could find. It wasn't until Historia cut the nape of her father's neck that the true battle was done and the people of Orvud District were safe and sound.


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sorry its been a while since I've updated this story! I got distracted watching JJK! Hopefully more updates will be coming soon :)

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